New Member Intro: The Gods of Audio



Hi everyone, this is my first post, I signed-up today, before breakfast; and as I shift cities on Sundays, to visit my kids, this is ‘yours truly’ now starting to get acquainted here.

My latest audio chapter started two weeks ago, when a neighbor, in the middle of chucking-out an Akai GX 4000d *, asked me if I’d like it (he was on his way to the curb). I said “Yes” first, then started to think about questions to ask about it, later.

[I’m reminded that back in 1976, having recently emigrated to Canada, my (ex) wife and I took delivery of a ‘stereo’ system four days before getting our bed!]

Anyway, as I ascended the steps up to my front porch, he yelled “Do you want an old pair of speakers, as well”? Same answer, same thought process.

The *R2R was easy to identify (but why do all roads initially seem to lead to eBay???) and obtain a free download of the owners manual. The speakers which were (notice the ‘tense’?) in an advanced state of decay, are a different matter.

The first question after lifting-up the Akai was “Does it work”? (Please hang-up your logical-minds, on the back of your door!). When he said “It used to; but I haven’t tried it for four or five years”, the journey moved to second base.

Three or four audio-stores later found me in a top high-end store, where the man on duty, generously shared a few knowledgeable observations, a couple of world-wise jokes and the name, rank and number of a “Good guy who repairs all kinds of audio equipment”! This latter was only a short drive away, so that was the next stop.

Up to this point, the main questions were:

• Does the R2R work (no tape or reels yet) – the motor ‘whirred’ and the spindle ‘spun’ though
• Can the speakers/ should the speakers: be fixed? Shortly followed by: “What are these speakers anyway”?

The “Good guy” told me to pick out a pre-recorded tape from one of two boxes full of such; and an empty reel, to try it out – he said that these were 50 cents each.

I’d only packed one of the speakers for my sojourn – the one with both woofer and tweeter out of commission, on this ‘two-way’ system.

The guy said “Oh, you’ve got some old ‘Advance’ speakers there”. I said: “Is that good or bad”? He said: “Could be either”. A small badge attached to each grill bears the word ‘Renaissance’. Two dealers have stated that they could have been part of a (large-batch) custom order.

If you want”, he said “you can leave this one for me to check out and then go bring the other here”. Which is what I did.

The Akai works really well – it magically mellows out (maybe to some that would mean “decapitates and shackles”) some of my brighter CDs – but I love the sound - the speakers have now received woofer ‘rebuilds’ (is that a ‘group-wince’ that I’m detecting?); and a ‘new wire’ on one of the tweeters. We are not done yet but I like the sound that we are getting so far; though they do not sound the same as each other – I have, however, been shown a ‘furrowed-brow’ and an invitation to bring them back in.

The names ‘Advance’ and ‘Renaissance’ lead me to Burlington, Ontario, Canada and New Hampshire, US of A. As many of our members will probably know, It seems that many speaker design/ manufacturing off-shoots came out of the Boston area in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. My (‘new’) speakers are very heavy, have ten inch woofers, made out of some hefty paper-based material, a dome tweeter with a large rectangular plate holding them in place which has a large, very shallow, open ‘V’, inlet (into the plate) - with one ‘arm’ reaching out and up from either side of the dome. Plus a three-inch front port. Outside dimensions being 16-1/2”w X 9-1/2”d X 28”L.

Now, the names ‘Human speakers’, ‘Renaissance’/ ‘Renaudio’ (though the current iteration of this firm seems too recent for my speakers); and ‘Morel’ seem to be googling up to the surface. A photograph will probably help – I’m still looking.

Oh yes, I also asked if the above gentleman would sell me the balance of the pre-recorded tapes (he did not charge me for the first one, when I left the speakers), he said “Of course” (sixty-four reels!!!) – “you may as well take the ring-binder of notes that came with them, as well”. This turned out to be the index (for the tapes) of someone’s copy of their personal record collection, dating back to before ‘WW1’ (ONE!).

So my primary current question is “How the heck can I record over this music”?

‘Downloading’ initially comes to mind; but they were recorded at 1-7/8 ips and the Akai does not turn that slow - plus the original heads on the tape-deck which was used to record the above material would have to be exceptional, to provide good quality recordings at that speed (I believe).

But as one guy elsewhere on these esteemed pages recently said: “He probably thinks more of the music than the equipment used to play it”. For me, a very wise observation.

Last Wednesday (October 31, 2007), I saw an Akai AA-1135 receiver in a junk shop. I went home that night, googled it, got it for $30:00, had it cleaned (by the above guy for $50:00); and it (via several pairs of speakers) sounds totally cool, man!

Your great site came up in one of my searches – yes, the gods of Audio must be smiling and/ or laughing at/ with me, this past couple of weeks. I’ve even got my semi-vintage equipment back out of the boxes, after being hidden away for far too long.

Thanks, Dave.


Audioholic Ninja
Welcome Dave, glad to hear things are working for you. I too have some old gear in boxes that I've owned since the early '80s, including an Akai GX-747 R2R. You can just record over the "old" music on the tapes.


Thanks/ correction

Thanks for the welcome AVRat! When I said: “How the heck can I record over this music”? I meant that to be totally rhetorical. I should have probably been more specific, as I tried to summarize: "How could I possibly record over what was once someone's 'very special' music collection, without trying to listen to it/ save it (perhaps digitally) first" [Ha-Ha-Ha!].

Before realizing that these tapes were a 'boxed set', I recorded over the first half of the first tape - recording "Portishead" over "Mantovani"!!! I feel a bit guilty, even though I did not appreciate what was there, initially.

The speaker disparity turned out to be a bad capacitor in one crossover - they now both sound great!

Is my speaker description too vague for anyone to take a stab at identifying them? I see that thirty-odd people have already looked at my first post.

Thanks again, Dave.
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

Welcome oldgringo! Glad the reel to reel and the speakers are working for you!

*Warning - Lurking around these forums may be dangerous to your bank account*


Audioholic Samurai
Old Gringo HA,i was going to make my username Old Vato on ebay but it was allready taken.

Welcome :)


Re: Welcome

Thanks for the welcome, Gimpy Ric! - I'll remember to post an 'amber' alert on my checking and savings accounts, having just spent a couple of hundred on items I've been given and/ or bumped-into, in a 'junk' store!

ATB, Dave.


Continued thanks/ quick admin question

Thanks for the encouraging comments, highfihoney, mtrycrafts and Brian_the_King!!!

Them's not small potatas, honey/ great start, Bri - dare I proceed, guys? ;)

Oh well, here goes nothin' . . . I was just searching around for a means of inserting details of some of my humble equipment, for you's to see. How do I do that? ['Copy and paste', every time???]:).


Audioholic Ninja
Welcome oldgringo...from another old one. It's good to see a like-minded soul here. (I also am too cheap to buy new stuff cuz the old-stuff-must-be-better anyway, ya least that's MY excuse :)) As proof, see this vintage stuff, just oozing with nostalgia and wafting the aroma of mold and dust...

To display photos of your gear, if that's what you were asking, look to the bottom of the post window and you'll see a button titled "Manage Attachments". If you write a post, you can attach a picture or several by uploading from your computer to the post, itself. (It's limited to 100K per photo.) To attach larger files, you will need a photo upload account on a server such as

If you want to identify your equipment as a signature to every post, go to the top-left of the forum page, and you'll see a button that is named "User CP". Select that and you will arrive at an informative page that will allow you to develop your signature, insert an avatar, etc.

Welcome aboard. This is a mighty fine group...well, except for some of us old and slow fellas.....;)


Seriously, I have no life.
...(I also am too cheap to buy new stuff cuz the old-stuff-must-be-better anyway, ya least that's MY excuse :))
That's what I thought until I tried to inquire about the horse an buggy to replace my smog spewing diesel:D A barn for the horse, zoning issues, hay storage, speed or travel:mad:
Just kidding.:D


Muchas gracias, now I'm begining to know what I don't know (all-over-again . . . )

Great help, 'tomorrow'!! Great speaker-trials! As for me, work has been slowing-down my play! Tonight I hooked-up my Energy Ref. 22s to my Luxman R117 - now I remember why I bought them!! I also connected my recently acquired 'Advance'/ 'Renaissance' (or whatever they turn out to be) two-ways to 'speakers-b' and note the 'looser'/ 'bassier'/ 'sexier' (the latter noun will rotate between speakers!) tones of these 2nd string additions.

To my 'stumbled-over' (last week) Akai AA-1135, I connected a pair of 'RFT Carrera' bookshelf speakers (120 w/c) and (sorry about this) a pair of old but pristine (due to continual rejection) Minimus 7's - yeh-yeh, I've heard their good rep., in some circles - but I think I bought them because they were ceasing production or something (for a kitchen that I got kicked-out of!).

So, with quite good FM reception and oodles of great stations I've been testing . . . my ears! They still work quite well really, considering the mileage and the Q-tips - enough to know that there is more to come - when I decide what to do, when I've read and learned about what I would like to afford and not afford. I already appreciate some really good, interesting and trashy music tho' - depending on 'the moment'.

Footnote: It's now an hour past my bed-time - the Luxman's been on for five hours!!!

Thanks again guys!

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