First off let me introduce myself since this is my first post. My name is John, I am a guitarist, so audio isn't something totally new to me, but this particular market is.
The one lesson I learned in my 12 some years of playing is: I shouldn't have spent all that money when my goal was a genuine Gibson from the get go. Probably would have had it a lot sooner that 11 years later

So I followed my own advice when buying my first setup. Buy what works, and take it from there and see where it leads.
My system is currently based around an Audio Technia AT LP120 (non USB version). It works well and I haven't had any real issues, though the cartridge could be better. But for under 200 bucks, I am fully satisfied.
I have a stereo receiver, a Sony STR HD100. Not anywhere close to where I'd like to be, but it had to due for the time.
Speakers are no name RCA's I pulled off an old book shelf unit to save some dough.
Satisfaction: it's better than MP3... 5-6 out of 10. It's better than normal, but it could be much better.
So my immediate action (when I got some more funds) was to buy better speakers. My current situation does not allow for a better speaker setup than I have, and my knowledge of speaker/amp placement from guitar told me "if you can't do it right, don't bother". So I instead bought a pair of Sennheiser HD 598's to solve the immediate problem of sub par speakers.
In the future I fully intend to upgrade my speakers as they are the lowest part of my system. Eventually (as in when I make more money) I will upgrade all of it. But speakers are my next plan.
Finally, my question: I am looking at a few different brands. One that caught my eye was the Klpisch Heresy speakers: (can't post links and refuse to spam to do so. Just Google Klipsch Heresy III).
My friends father has a similar setup in his home (he has all the old tech, reel to reel and such, which is pretty awesome) and it sounds amazing. Rich full sound, solid bass, good mid, clear highs, etc etc. The Klipsch is the closest I have found to that set up. I plan on putting up with this system for a while, saving the extra cash and getting the speakers.
Question 2: Receiver... or pre amp/power amp set up? Recommendations either way are welcome. Tip: not looking for a 30,000 dollar amp set up.
Final question: is my plan a solid plan? Should I be saving up for better speakers first, or for a better receiver/amp/etc etc system?
Any help would greatly be appreciated.