Did I miss something, I take it you got rid of your AV8801?
I sold it after it came back form its second trigger repair. A transistor cooked, again.
My dealer also told be that he has had about 5 of the 200 units he sold had trigger problems.
The repair shop called me and asked if I was using the trigger output to charge my Prius.
That did not go over well. After the repair, I tested the AV8801 to make sure it was working and sold it on eBay (with a description of the trigger repair).
So, I programmed the Pronto to use the Oppo BDP-105D as the preamp.
It lacks the volume knob, HDMI inputs, and elegant input switching found in a AVR/Processor but no one in my family is complaining.
The push the button it comes on, the volume works, Netflix works. Everybody is happy so it if aint broke...
- Rich