NEW Audio Distribution product!!!!



Sonos Digital Audio Distribution anyone heard of it?

NEW Audio Distribution product!!!!

This is not an advertisement....

I have been in search of a good audio distribution system for some time that will not break the bank. Not often can you expect both, but I have finally found it. I just received my Feb/March issue of Sound & Vision magazine and they have a user report from Ken C. Pohlmann. It is on the SONOS Multizone digital Music System.

For more information check out

Once again I am only trying to pass on information to others who have interest in the home audio/video realm. I am not affiliated in any way w/ Sonos, I own a DRY Carpet Cleaning Business in Naples, Florida. I only state this because I have seen in the past people presenting products that they have found and in the forums it was thought that it was just someone promoting a product.

Well check it out and tell me what you it worth looking into?

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Audioholic Ninja
Well, I'm no expert...but OMG! I want that system SO badly now. Okay, maybe I just got sucked into the marketing hype, but it looks really cool and it really sounds like what I'd want. I have more questions regarding the battery life of the remote as well as how high the quality is for the music transmissions over the network. If it IS CD quality, then I'm sold. Now just to get a place to put it...and the money to buy it...


I have no Idea what the battery life is...I myself need to call the manufacturer and see if they are going to have local distributors here in Naples, Florida. I would like to see it in person and watch and listen to a demo of the unit so I make my decision from there.

If you want to read a review on it though, try picking up a copy of Feb/March Sound & Vision magazine and there is a review on it in there. From what I read it seems to be an incredible item, but I would still want to see it in person first.



Audioholic Warlord
It looks like it is a wireless networking box, some software that allows you to access digital media, and an amplifier...

I imagine that you could pipe CD level audio through it, as long as that audio already exists on a PC. The reality though is that it seems as much like a wireless MP3 control unit than a piece of gear that is truly versatile.

That's not to say it's not excellent for a lot of people that are looking to retro in some equipment into their home. But, the unit still must be plugged into the wall for amplication, you still need some speakers plugged in for audio as well, and if you have a nice CD player & collection then it doesn't appear that it can be played, or controlled directly from that unit.

So, if you have an 8 room setup that you want individual control of:
It will cost you abut $6,000.00 for the Sonos equipment, plus the price of 16 speakers (8 pairs)... let's say $150.00 a pair so $7,200.00 and you still can't play DSS music (or cable music), your FM tuner, your CD collection.......

Retroing may be less money, and is definitely less money if you have some wiring skills and aren't afraid to put a few holes in your drywall. Then you can hook it up to a multi zone music server from any number of companies.

It does look cool though, just needs some refinement and some analog to digital capabilities.


Audioholic Chief
My $.02

It does look cool, but for the cost of a 2 room system, I would go with a NuVo set up. For 2,000 you get 6 inputs, and six zones and allows any input to be sent to any zone (on the flip side of what BMX said, with a NuVo system you can have your SAT/Cable audio, turntable, MP3, iPod, XM, etc...)while it doesn't have a Color could work around that, with a color pronto you could do the same thing and more.


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