I'm a novice and would really appreciate any advice!
I just bought a house with in-ceiling speakers, but a very old control system which I’ve replaced with an amp and receiver for 5.1 surround and connection to a SONOS Connect. Nothing is hooked up yet.
I also own 3 NILES VCS100k volume controllers to add volume control to some rooms. I have clean access because it’s a drop ceiling.
Can you please tell me how I need to run wires to make the following work?
1 pair of Polk audio RC60i using 1 Niles VCS100k in an exercise room
3 individual stereo speakers Polk Audio RC6s connected to a second Niles VCS100k, 1 in a bathroom and 2 in a hall
The 5 surround sound speakers (Polk MC65 and SC-C center) using a third Niles VCS100k
I have a Denon 7.1 AVR x3000 receiver and a Sonance 1230 Amp 12 channel
If it’s not necessary to hook the surround sound up to the Niles VCS100k, then I can have the set up be:
1 volume control for 1 pair in exercise
1 volume control in bathroom for single stereo speaker
1 volume control in hall for the 2 individual stereo speakers
I’m a novice and would really appreciate your guidance on where I need to run the wires. Also, when connecting to my amp do I need any "banana plugs"? I know how silly I must look!
Thanks a bunch!