New and Need Advice on AV receiver please



Hey Peeps,

Thought I would join as I always come across this site when researching my home audio. I have some questions as to what receiver to get seeing my current one crapped out ( Onkyo Sr-605 ). What happens is it makes a loud POP noise then the sound cuts out, Only way to fix is reset the AV or switch inputs...

So now I am thinking of getting either the following from reading and researching forums, Cnet, Amazon, ect...

Denon - 1912 / 2112ci / 2312ci

Onkyo - SR609, ect ( Not a fan seeing what happened to mine )

What else? Yamaha??

Here is my setup

55" D6000 Samsung, Polk 5.1 RM101, PS3, Wii, Panamax 4300-PM,

I'd like the Airplay but have a airport Express, I want a good Zone 2 for outside speakers, HDMI Switching, Video Upscaling, Ethernet, ect

Thoughts? Thanks in advance! :cool:

btw Budget is Ballpark $500 give or take, If worth it will stretch ;)


Audioholic Warlord
Hi Mike!
I have an Onkyo 707 and I love it. Check out this place it has good prices. I got mine there and highly recommended them. You can also get an extended warranty cheaply too:
Accessories4less: High End Audio at Low End Prices!
I was on the fence between Denon and Onkyo. I researched online like a madman too. I choose the Onkyo because I like the features and got a good deal with A4L. Having a turntable was another reason too. To be honest I'd go to a local store and check them out for yourself. If you are in NYC then B&H is a great place to check them out before you buy online.
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Audioholic General
Yamaha makes one of the most reliable/dependable receivers on the market. I could not in good conscious recommend an Onkyo. I have read over&over a lot of bad experiences, even with their newer models. Yes they have a good warranty but who wants to go through the headache of having to cash in on it?

Id go Denon, Yamaha, Marantz.....


Senior Audioholic
Take a look at the new Pioneers also. They seem to have improved a lot.


I've been leaning towards the 2112ci Denon. Thoughts compared to the yamaha listed above? Thanks for the rePlies!!


Audioholic General
Both the Denon & the Yamaha are excellent options for you. Its pretty much a wash!

My personal experience with Denon (avr-2309) was great overall. My only complaints were:
1. It was a bit harder to navigate & learn its operation compared to Yamaha.
2. After about a year & a half the rear channels would go silent when the master volume was at -5dB & -6dB. Very strange! But i sold it to a friend who didnt care because he listens at much lower volumes.

I would put the Denon & Yammy in the same reliability catagory. Yammy would have my vote just do to ease of use.

Side note: IMHO Yamaha's propietary auto cal (YPAO) is equally as good as Denon's Audyssey. Many will disagree with me but i have implemented both in my sysytem & heard equally great results as far as real world listening.

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