Netflix Plug-in for Vista MCE



Ah, a kind soul made a plug in for Vista MCE for Netflix.

I am here to tell you, outside of some quirk's that are every thing to do with having to invoke IE from within MCE and nothing to do with the programming, that this is AWESOME.

The program, MyNetFlix, is free as in beer. Donations are welcome and accepted though.

Some features of Note:
*It will show you the most popular watch now
*It will show you your queued movies (for mailing)
*It will show you your watch now out of your queued movies!
*It breaks down watch now by:
>Newest 100
>Popular 50

The standard MCE functions of Play/Pause from the remote work as well also.

The setup is quick and easy. It will need you to enter your credentials for Netflix, answer some general questions about what genre's you watch and provides a test feature for making sure your login works.

In a nut shell: "Bad to the Bone!"

  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis