hi, am having multiple issues with getting sound from Netflix. For about a year I was using my Boxee box to watch Netflix. No prob, except only came out in stereo. watching a tv show , no prob. but when I watch a movie I want the full 5.1
I even called Netflix. they said 'are u hooked up to a 5.1 system??? ummm yup
anyways then my boxee remote started to act up and we couldn't even click on a show .....cursor would go all over the screen etc
so then we noticed our tv has a Netflix app/button no prob to get Netflix on tv ...just NO SOUND
while surfing net trying to find solution.....saw 'firestick' , bought it...and again I can get NETFLIX>>
NO SOUND I can not find any simple solution I just want to watch Netflix, amazon etc in 5.1
pls help