Need Urgent help for RX-V2600



I am from Dubai , UAE and a complete newbie in this field. I am planning to buy the Yamaha RX-V2600 but I need some help regarding it.

We do not have anything like HD Tv here in dubai yet. I mean the cable providers do not support HD, so do you think buying the 2600 will in anyway improve the quality of video, also i have a normal DVD player with component connection, if i use the 2600 with it will that to improve quality etc..

Secondly, I am planning to buy Bose speakers for my room to connect with the 2600. The link
DO you think this is good enough or should i buy something else...

Please suggest me something better....
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
does your TV/monitor have an HDMI connection? (or do you plan on purchasing one in the future)

we don't have HD here also, but most of the new TV's have an HDMI connection. if the TV has an HDMI connection, you would benefit from the video upscaling of the 2600.

the 2600 is also reviewed here to have a pretty good amp section with lots of power, a good on screen display for setting up the receiver and a parametric equalizer.

for the money, you can definitely do better than Bose. what other brands of speakers are available there? do you prefer satellites? or can you do bookshelf speakers?


hi mike , thanks for the quick reply. Well I already have an LG LCD tv which has a DVI connection so i plan to buy the DVI to HDMI cable to connect it.

yea i have read some really good reviews about it , but I just spoke to the yamaha dealer few hours back for a demo and the guy doesnt have an HDMI TV and says to me that 1600 and 2600 are similar and that a 2600 will hardly make any difference in the I was just a bit confused.

Well we can get most of the brands of speaker here. prefer satellites. HK, Infinity, JBL, B&W, Bose, i guess all of them we can get
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Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Sheryar said:
hi mike , thanks for the quick reply. Well I already have an LG LCD tv which has a DVI connection so i plan to buy the DVI to HDMI cable to connect it.

yea i have read some really good reviews about it , but I just spoke to the yamaha dealer few hours back for a demo and the dumb guy doesnt have an HDMI TV and says to me that 1600 and 2600 are same and that a 2600 will hardly make any difference in the I was just a bit confused.

Well we can get most of the brands of speaker here. prefer satellites. HK, Infinity, JBL, B&W, Bose, i guess all of them we can get

Welcome to the forum.

The amp section in the 2600 is more robust than that of the 1600. Both are good units (too good for a Bose system). Of the speakers you listed, I'd probably go with B&W. Are you looking for "cube" type satellites or can you go with larger bookshelf type speakers? How about the subwoofer? Do you have size constraints?


thanks buck,

well i dont really have any size constraints, the subwoofer I thought I would get with the Bose system. But now that everyone says i should buy something else I have to start searching better.... well i would also want to go with B&W but i dont think it would fit in my budget of around 1100$ for the speaker system... what would you suggest me. cube types satellites would be fine with me.

About the 2600, you think it would help me getter improved picture quality or it would be the same?.

(I always thought Bose were the best, guess I was wrong)


Audioholic Spartan
The 2600 will upscale video, while the 1600 won't, that is the main difference between the units, but there are still some other minor differences between them. As far as power between the units, there is only 10 watts per channel difference between teh 1600 and 2600. If you have an HDTV with a HDMI input, then I say get the 2600.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Sheryar said:
thanks buck,

well i dont really have any size constraints, the subwoofer I thought I would get with the Bose system. But now that everyone says i should buy something else I have to start searching better.... well i would also want to go with B&W but i dont think it would fit in my budget of around 1100$ for the speaker system... what would you suggest me. cube types satellites would be fine with me.

About the 2600, you think it would help me getter improved picture quality or it would be the same?.

(I always thought Bose were the best, guess I was wrong)
Bose is the best at advertising, the worst at sound reproduction. You'll learn a lot at these forums. ;)

Here's what I would do. Downsize the receiver (you don't need to spend that type of money for the speakers you are looking at). See what the Onkyo's go for locally (starting with the 600/700 series).

Next, let us know some local high fi audio sites you can order from without costing you an arm and a leg for shipping (if that's possible). That's a growing city so I'm betting Fedex and UPS are busy there.

Some of the better ones in the states here are:

A really nice setup that may be too much hassle for you to get (shipping/taxes, etc...) would be something like this:

The 803 adds HDMI version 1.1, but I'd be holding out for version 1.3 FWIW.


thanks for the infos...but over here ordering online is like a dream not many sites offering online purchasing, nothing like its in the states....well i really like the 2600 and was looking forward to buying it. Ordering it online is also goin to cost me a lot and here i am getting it for 1075$. Which speaker systems would you suggest to go with the 2600 , and keep it in my budget...

thanks for all the help


Audioholic Ninja
Speaker options

What speaker manufacturers are available over there?
Do you have Paradigm, Klipsch, PSB, B&W?
These and most any bookshelf speaker will perfrom better than Bose cubes.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
sometimes you'd be surprised at what speakers are available where you are ... for example, when I was starting out, I was only aware of Polk, JBL/Infinity, B&W and Bose. why? because they have good marketing. but surf the websites of Paradigm and other brands and look for the local dealers in your country.

for the subwoofer, check out Velodyne too.


That 2600 is not going to improve video quality. It just converts from one cable format to another. No real video processing involved. So if you feed it low quality video (local cable for example) it will just put that same quality out to the tv. Just on a better cable.

Now a good upscaling dvd player may give you better PQ when playing dvds.

If I were you I would look at a much cheaper reciever (like half the price) and use the extra money to buy better speakers and/or a decent upscaling dvd player (oppo, panasonic).

Edit: I forgot the 2600 upscales also. With a regular dvd player this MIGHT produce a better picture if your tv's scaler is not very good, as you would have the 2600 doing scaling duties instead of the tv. Personally I think you would still get better performance with an upscaling dvd player and still save some money for better speakers.
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thanks for all the info's everybody... I am really grateful to you guys. I was really liking the Rx-V2600 but now that everyone says i should reconsider buying a cheaper one I will surely research more into it. As for the speakers I still am completely confused which ones I should buy....


You could take a look at some of's products. I believe they ship worldwide. I saw the UAE listed in their shipping options, but you would have to contact them to see how much shipping would cost.

The Onix xl-s speakers got glowing reviews as a value priced speaker here at audioholics. They are bookshelves, not cubes. You can order a 4.1 package with the x-sub for $600 or spend $400 on 4 satellites and get a beefier sub. The x-cs center channel isn't available yet so you would want to get on the pre-order list for that. Assuming the center channel is priced at about $100 when it comes out, you could get a 5.1 for setup $700 which hopefully should keep you in your budget after shipping. If you wanted 7.1, two more speakers would be $200 more. The xl-s speakers are all currently backordered until July, however.

AV123 also currently has b-stock Denon 2805's for $399 which might be a good option for a receiver. It runs on 120v so you would probably need to get a voltage converter for it.

I also think an upconverting DVD player like the Oppo OPDV971H is a good suggestion.


I just purchased Yamaha 1600, from overstock for $630 shipped they had 5 units!


thank you all for all the replies and support. Just to update you I just bought the Yamaha Rx-V2600 and I must say its amazing. Just one problem, I have DVI connection on my TV so when i connect the yammi it greys out the upscale area but I have the yamaha guys comin home to check this.

Ohh...and I bought the JBL E100 front, EC35 center, E10 surr, E250 sub and I'm lovin it.



Audioholic Ninja
Yammy features

DVI and HDMI are electrically the same for video, so the TV's connector is not the issue.
The yammy can only upscale an anlog video source, so if you component video from the cable box, it will upscale. Won't upscale if you have HDMI/DVI from the cable box.


i have composite running from the cable box and component from the dvd player and media player... so it should upscale but when i go to the upscale option it is greyed out. I met the yamaha guy today and he has promised me to find a solution to it. Hope he finds me a solution sooon.

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