"After the cords came the clock. While basking in an AC-cable-induced state of bliss, I received Geoff Kait's announcement of a new magic accessory. As one who has purchased and been moderately impressed with Kait's Nimbus Isolation Platform and Intelligent Chip, I was predisposed to like the hype he's lavished on his Clever Little Clock ($200). My first Clock arrived a week later. After unwrapping the nondescript plastic timepiece and placing it on a side table, I noticed that the system's midrange performance had become more emphatic. It was as if the Cyber-800 had sprouted a brace of 845 triode tubes in place of its little 6CA7 power tubes. I was so impressed with the Clever Little Clock (CLC) that I ordered another one, which yielded additional midrange power and realism. (Recent photos of my room reveal a third clock, but it's there for overkill purposes only.)" - James Saxon, Soundstage A/V, August 2006