Need some help with running in wall speaker wire



New to the home theater thing and tried to find my answers in other posts. I have 14 gauge wire run thru the walls to where my receiver will be. My tv and receiver will above the fireplace. I'm just gonna pull the wire thru where the front and back speakers will be mounted. My first question is should i just pull the wires thru the wall behind the receiver or install speaker plates? Also how and what kind of subwoofer cable should i run thru the walls? I'm planning to buy the denon 2105 receiver and infinity tss 750 speakers if that helps.


Audioholic Warlord
For the sub cable, if it all behind wall then RG6 coax will work great.

For the question on speaker plates vs. terminating the wires directly to your components... This is really more personal preference. The install may look the same and sound the same no matter how you install it, but if you ever move, then you have to clean up the raw wires that are just hanging out of the wall which a lot of people don't like (or understand). I have seen it done both ways and it works fine both ways.

I personally am terminating everything to wall plates except my two on-wall mounted speakers that sit flush against the wall and won't work with speaker termination plates.


Excuse my ignorance, but do I just run the rg6 coax and connect it to a coax plate and connect a cable from the sub to the wallplate. How do I convert the coax connection to fit the subwoofer connect which is an rca connection i think?


Audioholic Warlord
You got the idea, I would actually put the RF (coax) to RCA adapter behind the wall and put a RCA to RCA plate on the wall. If you can find a RF to RCA plate (RF on the inside, RCA on the outside) that would be better yet, but I have not seen one before.

Then just a short run of RCA-RCA cable to connect the wall to your sub. Subwoofer cable is just normal 75 ohm cable which most video cables are. No need to spend a lot more on 'special' subwoofer cable.


Seriously, I have no life.
I personally am terminating everything to wall plates except my two on-wall mounted speakers that sit flush against the wall and won't work with speaker termination plates.
Have you considered recessed box and wall plates, similar to the older recessed outlets for clocks? It is worht a look at least. I am not sure it is available, but it would clean that up too :)

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