Need Power Filter/UPS for new HL61A750 TV



I hope this is the right place to post this. I'm new to the forums. I'm buying a nice Samsung DLP and I am new to the HD scene. Since I'm going higher end with my equipment I thought it time to finally upgrade a few things. I have been looking at surge protection which lead me to power filters and 2 reviews I found on this site.

One that seems to be pointed out by a few people on our everything Samsung HL61A750 thread is the -

APC AV H15 1.5kVA H

with review by Tom Andry (I can't post links yet since this is my first post)

I found this other one reviewed by Gene DellaSala -

APC AV C10 Home Theater Power Filter

which lead me to believe it might be even better in some ways?

I guess discussing price is inappropriate on the forums? The retail price on the APC AV H15 1.5kVA H is higher than on the APC AV C10 Home Theater Power Filter. I have, however, found that I can get the C10 a bit less than the H15 ($25 diff), and both I can find MUCH cheaper than listed. Not hard to find so I hope I'm not being rude by pointing that out.

I know next to nothing on these so I am not really great at deciphering differences in features and specs. I am wondering if the H15 is better than the C10 overall. Forget price for a moment and just compare the 2. I would like to know which one people like better and why.

My setup will very simply be my tv, receiver, ps3, cable box, wireless mouse, and maybe one or 2 other things, but I'm not sure on those.

Any recommendations would be great. I do not want to go over $100 & I found the $75 range ok (so far not counting your advice).

My final thing I'll throw in is on UPS vs straight power filter. I have a computer friend who isn't an expert on Home Theater, but very tech savvy thinking that a UPS by default does the same thing plus more than a power filter given the power backup a UPS provides. If that is true and a good UPS does the same as a power filter, but with extra features then if I could find a great UPS as good as the 2 filters I mentioned then I would go that route.

Thanks again for the help. If you're interested in the tv discussion PM me and I'll direct you. It's comprehensive and impressive. Off topic so I'll leave that alone.


Audioholic Overlord
I hope this is the right place to post this. I'm new to the forums. I'm buying a nice Samsung DLP and I am new to the HD scene. Since I'm going higher end with my equipment I thought it time to finally upgrade a few things. I have been looking at surge protection which lead me to power filters and 2 reviews I found on this site.

One that seems to be pointed out by a few people on our everything Samsung HL61A750 thread is the -

APC AV H15 1.5kVA H

with review by Tom Andry (I can't post links yet since this is my first post)

I found this other one reviewed by Gene DellaSala -

APC AV C10 Home Theater Power Filter

which lead me to believe it might be even better in some ways?

I guess discussing price is inappropriate on the forums? The retail price on the APC AV H15 1.5kVA H is higher than on the APC AV C10 Home Theater Power Filter. I have, however, found that I can get the C10 a bit less than the H15 ($25 diff), and both I can find MUCH cheaper than listed. Not hard to find so I hope I'm not being rude by pointing that out.

I know next to nothing on these so I am not really great at deciphering differences in features and specs. I am wondering if the H15 is better than the C10 overall. Forget price for a moment and just compare the 2. I would like to know which one people like better and why.

My setup will very simply be my tv, receiver, ps3, cable box, wireless mouse, and maybe one or 2 other things, but I'm not sure on those.

Any recommendations would be great. I do not want to go over $100 & I found the $75 range ok (so far not counting your advice).

My final thing I'll throw in is on UPS vs straight power filter. I have a computer friend who isn't an expert on Home Theater, but very tech savvy thinking that a UPS by default does the same thing plus more than a power filter given the power backup a UPS provides. If that is true and a good UPS does the same as a power filter, but with extra features then if I could find a great UPS as good as the 2 filters I mentioned then I would go that route.

Thanks again for the help. If you're interested in the tv discussion PM me and I'll direct you. It's comprehensive and impressive. Off topic so I'll leave that alone.
I must first of all ask you to reconsider buying an LCD. At least check out the Plasmas. High End Plasmas easily best an LCD. I think a DLP would also beat an LCD, but reliability issues come in play for any projection type system.

Secondly. I suggest you get a UPS instead of a power conditioner in many cases. PCs are for voltage regulation. The UPS is a battery backup that will allow you to watch tv if the power goes out. And have enough time to turn off the tv and or equipment.

That being said a PC is nice and at the price they are going at for a silver one(basically near cost). I think the deal is too good to pass up.

OTOH if your friend is the techie. I suggest you let him help you since if things go wrong he's the one you will want to help you.

However if he's steering you toward a Bose or LCD at least suggest to him that he come check out this forum. Where few of us get paid to give advice based on our facts, and experience.

What is your budget for the TV? Maybe we can steer you in a better direction.


No I said he was tech savvy with computers. Not so much with Home Theater. He wouldn't really steer me anywhere in this arena. I listen to him on computer related things since he keeps his ear to the ground more thand I do there.

I'm not a complete novice just not an expert on benefits of UPS vs Power Filter. Actually really I just don't know anything on power filters. I could get into a very long detailed discussion as to why the HL61A750 Samsung is an incredible tv and hugely overlooked simply by being DLP. If you are actually interested PM me and I'll refer you to where it is discussed in detail. Outside all the glowing reviews of course. I am also aware of the general differences between the 3 technologies so forth and so on. I have researched it to death and 100% solid on the tv.

To sway me there would have to be an earth shatteringly revolutionary huge plasma that looked so much better and was in the same ballpark $ wise to make me think twice. They just aren't out there from what I have found so far.

I am not an expert on UPS, however, and I'm wondering if they regulate voltage on top of the battery backup? ie are they the same as power filters only with the backup? I've just thought of them as nice surge protectors with backup power.


Audioholic Overlord
No I said he was tech savvy with computers. Not so much with Home Theater. He wouldn't really steer me anywhere in this arena. I listen to him on computer related things since he keeps his ear to the ground more thand I do there.

I'm not a complete novice just not an expert on benefits of UPS vs Power Filter. Actually really I just don't know anything on power filters. I could get into a very long detailed discussion as to why the HL61A750 Samsung is an incredible tv and hugely overlooked simply by being DLP. If you are actually interested PM me and I'll refer you to where it is discussed in detail. Outside all the glowing reviews of course. I am also aware of the general differences between the 3 technologies so forth and so on. I have researched it to death and 100% solid on the tv.

To sway me there would have to be an earth shatteringly revolutionary huge plasma that looked so much better and was in the same ballpark $ wise to make me think twice. They just aren't out there from what I have found so far.

I am not an expert on UPS, however, and I'm wondering if they regulate voltage on top of the battery backup? ie are they the same as power filters only with the backup? I've just thought of them as nice surge protectors with backup power.
Sorry the model number slipped through my head. Should have known it was a DLP.:D

I suggest you just get a UPS for your TV. A PC will not protect your bulb when the power goes out.

You could use a PC and UPS in Series if you are super concerned, but I think it's overkill.


Thanks! Sorry if I sounded defensive. Most people, even ones into tvs have written off DLP as a whole without real in depth knowledge of specific brands/models. They're all phasing out as we speak, but with great warranty/insurance and the right tv that is not an issue.

Take a look at the HL61A750 at CNET if you get bored. Most people are surprised at the quality and most importantly quality and price. This tv is LED and does not use bulbs which is another very cool feature.

Do you by any chance have any UPS you would recommend? Again I'm going for under $100 and preferably not over $75, but depending on how good up to $100. In the end we're talking surge protection, but since a few dollars are being spent might as well get the best bang for the buck.


Audioholic Overlord
Thanks! Sorry if I sounded defensive. Most people, even ones into tvs have written off DLP as a whole without real in depth knowledge of specific brands/models. They're all phasing out as we speak, but with great warranty/insurance and the right tv that is not an issue.

Take a look at the HL61A750 at CNET if you get bored. Most people are surprised at the quality and most importantly quality and price. This tv is LED and does not use bulbs which is another very cool feature.

Do you by any chance have any UPS you would recommend? Again I'm going for under $100 and preferably not over $75, but depending on how good up to $100. In the end we're talking surge protection, but since a few dollars are being spent might as well get the best bang for the buck.
I love DLP and use a DLP PJ so a tv is of no interest to me.

If I were forced to own a TV it would be a DLP so you need not convert me.

Get an APC. You can usually find them in the computer section. One side is the UPS one the power strip. plug your tv in the UPS side. Don't plug a subwoofer into a UPS. It should normally have it's own Power Strip IMO.

They are using a LED for the bulb now? I know they started using them in place of color wheels. Which is nice. Until one goes out hehe.:D


Well the two I mention are APC and they look great. They are not UPS though I'm pretty sure. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction on an affordable model that would be better than the 2 filters.


They are using a LED for the bulb now? I know they started using them in place of color wheels. Which is nice. Until one goes out hehe.:D
The LED's replace the lamp and color wheel. They utilize a red, blue, and green LED module which put out over 900 lumens each. Samsung rates their life at 60,000 hours. I'm sure I'll upgrade mine before I get close to that many hours on the TV.



to clarify my ups vs filter question

Also in addition is there anyone very knowledgable about the actual technical/hardware differences between a filter and a UPS? Mainly I still am not clear on if a UPS provides the exact same thing as a filter or if a filter functions differently which could be better in some cases. If a UPS does the exact same thing as a filter then if you could find a good UPS in the same price range it would be a no brainer decision. I hope this makes sense. I understand that a good filter is already over the top good enough for home theater application, but if a UPS beats a filter I want to get a UPS.

Please let me know. I have yet to have anyone break it down yet. Most people just say "get this" or "this works fine".


Audioholic Overlord
The LED's replace the lamp and color wheel. They utilize a red, blue, and green LED module which put out over 900 lumens each. Samsung rates their life at 60,000 hours. I'm sure I'll upgrade mine before I get close to that many hours on the TV.

Very cool. But I know the LED PJs are way out of my PR atm.


Audioholic Overlord
Also in addition is there anyone very knowledgable about the actual technical/hardware differences between a filter and a UPS? Mainly I still am not clear on if a UPS provides the exact same thing as a filter or if a filter functions differently which could be better in some cases. If a UPS does the exact same thing as a filter then if you could find a good UPS in the same price range it would be a no brainer decision. I hope this makes sense. I understand that a good filter is already over the top good enough for home theater application, but if a UPS beats a filter I want to get a UPS.

Please let me know. I have yet to have anyone break it down yet. Most people just say "get this" or "this works fine".
How detailed do you want?

Wikipedia is a good resource for information. On specific technologies usually.

If you want peer reviewed stuff. You will need to hit up a library at a university.


Apc C10

I settled on the C10 filter I think. The H15 is awesome, but either I screwed up and saw $100 on sale instead of $200 or I just missed the opportunity to get it for that price. Either way too much for something I really don't need. The $70 I can find the C10 for is a smoking deal and will do a great job. I appreciate the feedback.


Audioholic Overlord
I settled on the C10 filter I think. The H15 is awesome, but either I screwed up and saw $100 on sale instead of $200 or I just missed the opportunity to get it for that price. Either way too much for something I really don't need. The $70 I can find the C10 for is a smoking deal and will do a great job. I appreciate the feedback.
APC makes great stuff. I use their strips for everything.

Even hanging fans.:eek:

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