Hello ~ looking for advice...
I've moved and managed to lose the cord for my Denon AVR-5803 receiver.
I'm still trying to get a part number out of Denon to order it, but it looks like they want upwards of $35+tax,shpng for a regular power cord. I've checked Radio Shack online and Fry's (in store) and they don't have a replacement.
Do you have any suggestions for where to buy an aftermarket/replacement cord? This is a kind of standard black power cord, 2 prong female to male-end into wall. Very similiar to a computer cord but those are 3 prong.
Better yet, if you have or know someone with a Denon one like this - let me know and I'll buy it from you?
[If interested, I have a jpeg of the back of the receiver that will let you see the shape of the cord I need. I can email it to you. 324K.]