Hey guys, time for a new reciever, but not the budget to blow 700 for what I need, so I'm searching ebay and other classifieds looking for recent older models that I can find at a steal. I need something like a denon, yamaha, harmon, etc. Something that can play "loud", (i live in large loft and love my volume). It needs to be low impedence stable (running 2 sets of monsoons, 4 ohm, and 6, and soon to be adding 2 more 6 ohm monsoons for 6.2). Needs to have an EQ so I can adjust to my personal taste, not just preprogrammed dsp's. and needs to be 6.1 at least. Thanks alot guys. Appreciate all the help.
(currently running Monsoon fpf1000's, and fpf600's for rear, soon to add middle fpf600's. Dahlquist pdq1500 500 watt 15" sub, hopefully another in future. and 8 foot hd front projector.)