Need new system FAST! (new to this)



Audioholic Intern
Im looking to Get a home thearte to go with my New HDTV( Samsung plasma 42" 720p)
I started out looking at the Samsung 50x htib for around $200.00 but did some research and came here.
I was looking at a Denon with adding speakers 5.1 but the cost was a little out of budget.
I am looking into the Onkyo HT-SR800 7.1 htib, A great price open box under $400.00
I would use it for HDTV with HD Cable box and DVD player- Blue ray in future?-
Room size 11 x 9 ( possible move to bigger room?)
Budget was $200 now I would not want to go over $700, But I want it all now! I don't want to piece together as I go. I want at least 5.1
I don't have much time I want to scoop up the Onkyo HT-SR800 7.1 before the Open Box is gone.
Any fast responses would be appreciated!

Onkyo HT-SR800 7.1


Audioholic Ninja
New HT system

In the $500-700 price range you might consider starting with an entry level receiver, a good pair of bookshelf speakers, and possible a sub for a quality 2.1 system. You can add the matching center and surround channels when budget allows.

If you want 7.1 channels now, then the Onkyo HTIB is better than most. You could upgrade the speakers and sub later.


Audioholic Samurai
You have two main options here:

You expressed an urgent need to get a Home Theater sound system to match your new TV - while this is great, it is the quick fix method, and is generally the least desirable in terms of overall quality.

So -

1.) Purchase a relatively inexpensive HTIB kit that is an all-in-one deal, but you will sacrifice quality of both your speakers and your sub (which is the most important aspect of your listening pleasure). This actually puts you at a disadvantage. HTIB systems are generally not recommended here as such.

2.) Do as suggested above and with what money you have get a decent receiver w/ some great bookshelves for the money you have available now, and wait and save up for the remainder of the system over time. You will get far better enjoyment out of it, despite having to wait a little longer, knowing your money was far better spent on quality items. This gives you plenty of time to research, demo, audition, and compare prices rather than just jumping headlong into something that will only serve to leave you dissatisfied in the future.

My advice is employ some patience and slow your horses down a bit. :) That new TV isn't going anywhere soon I presume, and if you really want to give it the compliment it deserves, couple it with a real system, not just some HTIB "get me by for now" kit. :D


Audioholic Intern
Is the reciever in HTIB Onkyo HT-SR800 any good? It appears to have some nice features, power, and connections. My idea was to start with that and upgrade the speakers as I feel that I need?


Full Audioholic
Onkyo HTiB's are great for the money. The 800 series does not take HDMI audio, so you will be limited to Toslink optical or digital coax audio connections. This will only make a difference with the newer "HD" codecs on Blu-ray DVD's. Seriously, that's not a problem with a HTiB setup - you probably would not hear the slight difference over Dolby Digital and DTS

Mark in GA

Audioholic Intern
I think you are getting good advice here. I would forget the HTIB route as they will simply tie up you funds in somthing that will never really make the grade. If I were in your shoes with a $700 budget, I would get a decent receiver and a good pair of bookshelfs to build upon.

I would suggest you look at the Onkyo 605 receiver (under $400 if you shop around) and a set of x-LS Encore bookshelf speakers from AV123. With those you will have quality components and they can easily be built upon to give you a stellar A/V system that does both HT and music well.

Mark in GA


Audioholic Intern
would a good start be this Denon AVR-588 7.1-Channel
That will cost around $300, Then work on adding speakers?
Im I now heading down the right track? Or should I put more into the reciever?
Thanks again

John Bailey

Buy the Onkyo 605. Many places have it for under $400. I recently bought another Onkyo refurbished stereo receiver, RS-8522, and I've been very impressed. Then contact Saturday Audio and buy either the Monitor Audio B2's or the PSB B25's, both for less than $300. If you're getting these for movies I would go with the PSB's. You'll have a super stereo system that will do credit to your movies and give you a start on a great 7.1 system.

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Audioholic Samurai
Buy a Yamaha RX-V661 or get a refurbed HK AVR-247/347. Both better than onkyo 605.


Audioholic Warlord
People are now suggesting $300 entry level receivers that may be a bit better than the Onkyo, but then you are still missing 6 speakers to make it surround sound which just seems ridiculous to me.

Get the Onkyo - enjoy it. Seriously, enjoy it for a year or two, and then replace some speakers as money allows. Spend your time saving and looking for deals at places like or on eBay... many people upgrade and sell their very nice, but used, gear for half or less of original cost.

I was astounded when I upgraded the speakers from the cheap HTIB Kenwood system to my Definitive BP30 speakers. Without the receiver upgrade the speakers still sounded phenomenal and marked a huge overall improvement.

But, it took me a couple of years to save up the money for them.

I've now had them for several years and I have no desire to change them out for anything better.

If you max out your $700 - you will want something better... So, don't! Just get the 7.1 Onkyo system which offers a clear path of upgradability, and in a couple of years, upgrade!

Just my $.02 for what it's worth.


Audioholic Intern
Thanks BMXTRiX,
That makes sense to me, I would like something better than htib but I don't want to spend that kind of money. For around $400 i can get the system that will perform well, it did in the store, and I can add speaker upgrades when I fell like it, Money is not the issue, I want a complete system now then I'll see where I want to go. Thanks for all of your help. bmxtrix sums it up for me. Im still not 100% sure but I should have something in place in a day or two.Thanks


Audioholic Field Marshall
Here's what i'd do: Keep checking ubid for the Marantz sr4001 model. It can be found for as little as $219 (an excellent deal, it has HDMI as well for those HD formats)

then pick up a pair of these for $299:

and one of these for $199:

total price: $717

Then add some surrounds later. Much better then a HTIB for not much more. :)


Audioholic Field Marshall
Thanks BMXTRiX,
That makes sense to me, I would like something better than htib but I don't want to spend that kind of money. For around $400 i can get the system that will perform well, it did in the store, and I can add speaker upgrades when I fell like it, Money is not the issue, I want a complete system now then I'll see where I want to go. Thanks for all of your help. bmxtrix sums it up for me. Im still not 100% sure but I should have something in place in a day or two.Thanks
Something to keep in mind is that what the system sounds like in the store, is very different from what it will sound like in your home. The only way you'll know how they sound at home is....well I guess it's pretty obvious. The point is that it's fine to demo a few setups, but just keep in mind that room acoustics can dramatically effect the sound quality.


Audioholic Intern
Yes I was not sure but this is what I purchased today
Klipsch Quintet III
Denon avr 1708
I was able to get this for $650.00 which put me in my price range.
I liked the speakers because of their size,the wall mounts and stands attached,
I just need to get a Sub and wires and be ready to go!
Thanks for your help


Audioholic Samurai
Yes I was not sure but this is what I purchased today
Klipsch Quintet III
Denon avr 1708
I was able to get this for $650.00 which put me in my price range.
I liked the speakers because of their size,the wall mounts and stands attached,
I just need to get a Sub and wires and be ready to go!
Thanks for your help
Let us know how those horn-loaded tweeters work on your ears. ;) It should be an okay start for you, not what I would have done, but that's alright - it's your call in the end, and whatever you're happy with is what matters.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Let us know how those horn-loaded tweeters work on your ears. ;) It should be an okay start for you, not what I would have done, but that's alright - it's your call in the end, and whatever you're happy with is what matters.
Well, I guess he can take it back if he doesnt like it. I do agree that the hornloaded tweeters may be an issue.


Audioholic Intern
So far so good I have set up the system but have a few questions:
I noticed that the center speaker crackeled now and then and then shut down, It happed with different sources 5.1 DD or just Tv Stereio, I rechecked connections and It was still happening ( not 100% of the time) so I decideed to check if there was a problem with the center speaker, so I switched around with one of the satlilites and it started to do it again.
I assume its a problem with the Denon 1708, I rechecked the set up, I have no Sub yet, speakers set to small, test sounds manual, everthing seems OK on that end. am I doing something wrong?
PS: The only thing I have not done yet is to pass the video directly through the Rec, I still have it direct conect to TV, DVD and HD Cable box. Both with optical audio to the REC.
PSII: Now that I have the system home I have a much better idea what I want and need.


Audioholic Samurai
I decideed to check if there was a problem with the center speaker, so I switched around with one of the satlilites and it started to do it again.
Did it do it on the same speaker, or the same channel? If the same channel, then I might just try swapping out the speaker cable, could be something wrong there. If the problem followed the actual speaker over to the other channel, then the speaker is to blame.

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