Need new Center & Front Speakers



First let me say that this is a wonderful site and very informative. Please keep up the good work!!! :)
Can anyone help give me some suggestions for new front and center speakers? First let me tell you what I have and keeping. I have a Denon 3804 with a Polk PSW 404 sub, Polk F/X500i surround, 2 - Polk CS250 centers and Walsh Ohm 3 fronts. What I want to replaced is the fronts and center. The Polk F/X500i’s are hanging on the wall at about 60 inches of the floor and 16 feet apart centered with the TV. The TV is a 55” Mits and all of this equipment is built into the wall so nothing sticks out (there is an opening that is 63” wide by 28” deep by 96” high) beyond the front. The great room is about 18 feet deep by 32 feet wide with 10 foot ceiling and all the walls are plaster not drywall.:rolleyes:
Any suggestions would be greatly appreaceated.


$200 and a couple of weekends. Lots of fun!

parts express . com /projectshowcase/cynosure/index.html

"The clarity of this speaker was amazing, I was hearing many details in the center channel mix that I had never heard before. The most impressive feature of the speaker is its off-axis performance, which remains good at just about any position imaginable. Cliche’d as it may be, it really did take my home theater experience to a new level!"
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AVrat: I was just thinking that since my Ohm's are about 20 yrs old that maybe a new set of front speaker with newer technology would be better. I was thinking about $2000 for all 3 pieces.


Audioholic Warlord
Ascend acoustics would be a fine choice. Extremely accurate, and a great value. Also, I would upgrade your subwoofer while your at it. Ascend has Hsu subs there and I bet you could get one along with 3 mains and still be within your budge.

A system consisting of:
2x CBM-340SE's
1x CMT-340SE's
1x Hsu STF-3

=$1519 Shipped.

You would be hard pressed to beat this for the money.



Audioholic Ninja
Good call sheep, that'd be a killer system. The new Ascends feature custom Seas tweeters. Seas is known to be one of the best tweeter manufacturers around (some say THE best). And heck, you can step up to the VTF3 subwoofer and still stay under budget.


Thanks for your information but one more thing, I am mainlly looking for an HT system and not so much for music. HT 90 % - Stereo 10 %


Audioholic Warlord
Then get the system jaxvon suggested. It has a subwoofer with better extension.

CBM-340SE x2
CMT-340SE x1
Hsu VTF-3 x1



Audioholic Ninja
It sounds like you’re ready for or need the serious HT thrill!!:p Which means you definitely need a sub upgrade to fill that 5760 cu. ft. space. An SVS PB12-Plus/2 may be more appropriate. More $$$?:eek: :rolleyes:

I’ll third the Ascend reco’, very good bang for bucks. More reco’s for mains:

Axiom M60/VP150
Klipsch RF35/62/82,RC35/62
Boston Acoustics VR2/VRC
Energy RC-50/RC-LCR
Monitor Audio RS-6/RS-LCR
Phase Technology V-12/V-6
PSB Image T55/C60
Definitive Technology BP10, CRL2000/CRL2000

To name a few.:eek:


Before I buy any speakers, I would like to listen to them at a store or some other place. Do any of you know were I can listen to the Ascend acoustics speakers or is this just a webb site and you have to order them.

I was wondering also what you guys think of any of the Polk's since I love the F/x500i suround and sub (of course my daughter loves more bass then my wife and I but why wouldn't any teenager). All of you have my interest in the Ascend speakers. All spec's and data look very good, so all I would like to do is listen to them before I buy.


Audioholic Ninja
In your space, I would have suggested the Polk RTi 8/10, CSi5 but didn’t because you’re running the Denon 380?. The Polks RTis really need a separate amp.


AVRAT: I do have a Carver amp that I put away in the box when I bought my Denon 3803. I am not sure which model it is but I will look when I get bach home tonight
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Audioholic Field Marshall
Klipsch offers a great bang for the buck in their brand new reference series. I recently bought a pair of RF-82s for fronts, RF52s for surrounds, and an RC-62 center, and I couldnt be more happy with my HT and the new additions. They are a brand new line, and have made many refinements over the older generation Reference line.

You can listen to them in person before buying too. Just put your zip into the finder, and it will list dealers near you who sell the reference line.

I purchased a SVS sub blind over the web, but I dont think I could ever buy fronts without hearing them first.


Audioholic Ninja
I like the Carver. Let me know the model # and power output specs.


AVRAT: The Carver amp that I have is only a M200t and I don't remeber what the power output is, sorry!!!



Senior Audioholic
I had some Ohm bookshelves, bought in the mid 70's, and thought they were the best bang for the buck at the time- at least until I just had to have the large Advents :)

I second the idea of listening to the Klipsch Reference line. Either the new version 4, or some version 3 on close-out.


Audioholic Ninja
The M200t is rated at ~120W and can handle 4 ohm loads easily. This could be used with the 3803 to bi-amp the Paradigm Studio 60s nicely. This particular bi-amp setup does not work for all speakers, ie. Polk RTi.

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