I need some advice.
I have just lost my Aiwa AV-D58 Receiver

. It was my first SS system and hate to see it go. I'd like to fix it, but I don't think it's worth it. It stoped outputting sound, or at least after a few seconds of sound it would go silent. First started to the FM/AM, then the CD input, and then finally the digital went out. All within a year, this year to be exact. Had it for about ten years. Not sure what happened

. I even checked the inside, no dust or burn marks of any kind

So now I'm in need of a new reciever ASAP! So what reciever will work with my previous setup?!? All 5 speakers have 80W and 8 omes of power. Sub is 12V 60Hz. I don't want to spend a fortune. Just need a good reciever between $150-400, no more... no less. I was thinking about a Yamaha, since I've heard good things about em.
What do you guys think I should do or buy?!?