I have some experience with carpentry so I built shelves on the wall for our Paradigm Titan V.3's (similar in size to your mini-monitors) and the matching center channel in my dad's pre-upgraded theater, and they were at a relatively high height. If you were even a little handy, you could do the same if you wanted, and connect a safety cable to the speakers to prevent them from falling off the shelves. You could also maybe find shelves that fit your needs at a home store like Lowes or Home Despot.
Another option is, when money allows of course, you could sell your current speakers and get Paradigm Cinema series speakers if you wanted to stick with the general sound you have now. They have smaller V.3 monitor series drivers in them, and they mount securely on the wall, which I see as a safety feature in your case

. In addition to the safety aspect, I always worry about children taking off the grilles poking in my tweeters or something

. Of course, you could also buy new stuff over time as your budget allowed, starting with rears - the Cinema series will match with your current speakers well, and they won't be changing drivers in the Cinema series anytime soon AFAIK.
They have 6 different sizes for the Cinema series: 70, 90, 110, 220, Phantom, and 330.