I have the Denon AVR-5308CI A/V Receiver.
I was downloading a firmware update, the receiver displayed 129 min required and the download began and was doing fine until with 13 min remaining an error message appeared "Connection Failed". Ever since, the receiver is unable to connect to a Network (internet). I know the download did not complete, all other functions seem to be working normally. Any advise?????
Try the firmware update again. What is your connection speed? If it's too slow, congested or inconsistent, you can lose the connection.
You may need to do a hard reset. If you haven't gone through the setup menu for anything other than just input assignments, it won't take long to re-do those. Since you can't connect to the network, you won't be able to save the configuration. Shut it off with the Master Power button (not Standby), then turn it on again. This should work if the GUI locks up and it may help with this issue.
Here's what I got from Denon's Tech help for saving your configuration once you update the firmware:
Open your browser, enter the receiver's IP in the address bar and click on Setup Menu. At the bottom of the page, you should see one button for Save and another for Load. Click on Save and place it in a convenient place on your computer (a setup config folder on the desktop is where I would put it). Once that's done, you will have all of your settings, including Audyssey. This will be good until any subsequent firmware update. If another update is needed, you will need to save the configuration immediately afterward.
To reload the configuration, enter the IP address as before, click on Setup Menu, look for Load and click on it. Loading or saving the configuration wakes about 5 minutes.