

Audioholic General
I just joined & this is my 1st post. My current 6.1 system is: an HK-340 avr, b&w m-1's (5), b&w htm-60 (center) & a b&w AS2 sub. I am slowly upgrading my system as most of us will continue to do, & need some help choosing a new AVR! From the little i do know, i like 3 brands. Denon, Marantz & a Pioneer Elite. I mainly use my system for movies and want good clarity & to be wowed. I know my speakers can only do so much but will upgrade later. Can anyone help with some input???? THANKS!!!


Senior Audioholic
Most people are going to say find one that fits your needs. Pick one that has the inputs you need and the codecs that you want to use and more than likely a set of pre amp outputs for future use of an external amp if you pick speakers that will need it. On that note, I love my Denon, I just need some speakers to go with it.... Couldn't pass up the deal. In the future I think the only other brand I might try is Pio Elite but that's only if Denon fails me.

How much are you looking to spend and what are you going to be using with it? Blu-Ray, TV, cd? That will help us help you.


Audioholic General
Happy w/Denen?!

I will be watching through my Sony550 bluray player. From the little I know & have heard, im leaning twrd a Denon. I app. your input. Do u know if i could get HD sound from my BRay w/o a reciever that decodes truhd or dts-hd? oh and my avr does not have any hdmi inputs or outputs. thanks again 4 ur help!


Senior Audioholic
The 550 decodes the HD audio formats internally so yes you could get HD audio without a receiver that does that. You would just set the 550 to decode and use the analog outputs on it to the multi channel inputs on your receiver. If your receiver can do PCM over HDMI than you could just do that and run one cable from the 550 to receiver.

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