Usage is 90% TV/Movies, 10% music... Budget is $1k for the LCR.
Justin, here's your problem. TV/Movies means a strong Center speaker. Music means strong Left/Right speakers.
Usually people into high quality audio focus on music first, and can become fanatical about their L/R speakers, (and subwoofers). The Center and Surround speakers for TV/movies are almost an afterthought, and are bought to match the L/R.
If your interest really is 90% TV/Movies, I would suggest concentrating on your Center speaker. With a budget of $1k, I would put ALL, or almost ALL, of it in your Center.
In your position I would get this Center for $649:
And this Left/Right pair for $195:
I've had that Center, and it was VERY good. I recently sold it to my sister. Their TV room has all in-ceiling speakers, and their TV watching is mostly classic stuff like Perry Mason and Gunsmoke. Not a lot of surround stuff. They LOVE it and rave about how much difference it makes.
I don't have the Philharmonic AAs, but I have other Phil speakers. You should search this site, and others, and read about the AAs. People also rave about them. Don't let the price fool you.
For your use, I think you would be more than happy with this setup.