need help choosing a 5.1 setup



I am looking to buy new speakers for my home theater system but I am having trouble trying to decide a which speakers to buy. I already have a Sony STR-DA1ES 5.1 channel Receiver that I am planning on keeping.

The system will be used for watching hdtv, dvd's and playing music.

I have a budget of $1000 for the speakers. Any help you could give would be appreciated.


Audioholic Intern
The SVS SBS-01 5.1 system should work well, as long as you don't mind all black.


Audioholic Warlord
BTT917 said:
The SVS SBS-01 5.1 system should work well, as long as you don't mind all black.
Agreed. Any color you want, as long as its black. :D



Audioholic Spartan
Hi mytzen,

Only you can answer your question, but we can help narrow the field abit if you answer a few questions.

room size? speaker size prefrance? What kind of sound do you prefer? (softer or crisp/detailed/bright high end) Have you hear any speakers that you think you like?

Get out and listen is what you really need to do. Polk, Paradigm, Axiom, SVS, AV123, Energy, Athena, Hsu and BIC are some of the more popular manufacturers anround here. Some are internet only so more reserch will be nessisary.

Have fun and welcome to the forum,


Junior Audioholic
I personally am looking at getting either the SVS-SB01 or a set of Athena Auditions with an SVS PB10-ISD sub.


Audioholic Intern
What speakers have you heard that you did or didn't like? I can think of three 5.1 setups off the top of my head for about $1000 that would have three different sound characteristics.

1. BTT917 mentioned the SVS system, which would actually be a bit over your budget with shipping plus the optional speaker stands if you'd need those. I haven't heard these myself, but there certainly has been a positive buzz about them. I would guess that given the silk dome tweeter they would tend to be slightly warm sounding, relatively speaking.

2. JBL Northridge series. You could put a number of different packages together within your budget depending on whether multi-channel music was a priority (then you could use 4 matching bookshelves + a center or even 5 identical bookshelves) or if it will mostly be for movies (go for a better center & front combination and then the wall mounted surrounds). The JBLs have a titanium dome tweeter which would sound "bright", relatively speaking.

3. BIC Acoustech. These use horn-loaded aluminum tweeters - some people love horns and others hate 'em, proponents call horns "detailed", detractors call them "harsh". I fall into the "detailed" camp, but I will say that the top end is rolled off a bit on these, perhaps a design decision to avoid a harsh quality (I understand Klipsch has done the same thing with the latest generation of their Reference line).

I'm sure others will chime in with other options in your price range.

I've heard the JBLs, used to have some JBL bookshelves with the titanium tweeters and I liked their sound very much. Unfortunately the models I had did not have a matching center so they weren't an option for a 5.1 setup.

I own the Acoustech set, and I am very pleased with them. My use is about 90% Movies/TV and only 10% music. Very pleased with the dynamic range and the diffuse sound field from the surrounds, and the ability to wall mount the surrounds worked great for my space.

The SVS speakers are a very good set I'm sure. My personal feeling is that solk dome tweeters are too laid back, so I probably wouldn't be happy with them myself.



Room size: 19ft x 12ft
Speaker size: I would prefer to have floorstanding for the front left and right speakers.
Sound: I prefer a crisp/detailed sound

I have listened to Polk Monitor 60 floorstanding speakers that my friend has and they sound much better than the ones I currently have (they were given to me, no name brand and I am pretty sure they were bought out of the back of a truck).
I have also heard Bose AM10 5.1 and I did not like those at all. Seemed like they were really overpriced for the sound they put out.


Audioholic Ninja
mytzen said:
Room size: 19ft x 12ft
I have also heard Bose AM10 5.1 and I did not like those at all. Seemed like they were really overpriced for the sound they put out.
That's exactly right. It's nice to see that their marketing didn't infect you!

As for BIC speakers, I would get heavily modded ones from Ed Frias if I could do it over. The stock ones aren't bad, but they're a tad bright and can get harsh at louder volumes. You can contact Ed at this email:

He can send you a whole price listing of the products he offers.


The modified BIC's are a great value.

jaxvon, did you send your crossovers to Ed?

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