need help choosing 3k home theater setup



ok i have about 3k set aside to create a good quality system. This will be a on going build and add ons.

I went to bestbuy and got to hear the martinlogan 15 and they sound great and they look to be the same specs as the lx16 just a different box

My basic set up is looking like this for 5.1

av receiver- denon avr-x2200s
center channel- (1) martinlogan motion 30
front speakers (2) martinlogan motion lx16
rear speakers (2) martinlogan motion lx16
sub (1) svs pb-1000

I'm open to any other set ups


Audioholic Warlord
Did you listen to both the LX16 and the 15? I'm asking because of the large price difference. On Amazon, the LX16 is $240 each, and the 15 is $400. Having the 'same specs' and actually sounding the same can be two different things.

One way you can save is on the rear channel speakers. They don't have to be the same quality as the front three speakers.


no i have not got to listen to the xl16 but what i can tell that its a older model of the new motion 15


Speaker of the House
Staff member
I would try to get a more powerful subwoofer. A $3k system with a ported 10" is not going to be amazing, unless you live in an apartment where you just can't have loud noise. I would be looking at a system from Hsu or Ascend/Rythmik using one of their 15" woofers from either company. I would also be looking at subs from Reaction Audio.

  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis