I have Atlantic Broadband digital cable. Some of the channels emit an annoying pop sound and once it starts, it seems to carry over to other channels. It's not the speakers, speaker wires or receiver because I've turned the system off and used only the TV volume and it still pops. When the TV volume is low, the pops are correspondingly low in volume. I've read on other forums that Monster co-ax cables are not the solution. Can anyone please give me some advice on how to fix this?
PLEASE! Any advice would be appreciated.
Do what MDS indicated and call the cable company but first, I would do some experimenting so you gave some ground to stand on and they cannot bully you.
Unplug everything to the TV except the cable feed. Listen to channels that in the past didn't start this popping noises and watch them for a while, say an hour. If no popping write these channels down.
Then go to the ones that start the popping. Write those down. Turn the TV on with those channels that pop right off the bat.
When the Tv person comes, you can present your finding. Start with the no pop stations, switch to the problem ones until it starts popping.
Unless, they admit their problems right off the bat.