Hi all,
I recently discovered that my 4" driver on one of my JBL N24II's is busted. I'd like to replace the driver myself but am not having any luck finding a good replacement driver that matches the specs of the N24II's
N24II specs.
Max Rec. Amp Power : 100W
Nominal Impedance : 8 Ohm
Sensitivity (2.83V/1m) : 86dB
Freq. Resp : 75Hz - 20kHz
Cross. Freq: : 3000Hz
The closest match I found was a Goldwood GW-4028/S 4" Woofer, but its lower limit freq is only 80Hz and its sensitivity is different (at 84dB).
Does anyone know what driver I should get to match the sound of my other, intact, JBL N24II.
I would really appreciate any advice, thanks!!!