Hi Everyone,
I am currently in the process of replacing my old HT system with a decent Hi-Fi setup. I have ordered some Quad 22L2s (L/R) and a QSP power amp, but I am having trouble deciding on the other component(s), and was hoping to get some help from others who know more about it than me.
I used my old system mostly for movies and games, but I am planning to listen to a lot more music--FLAC/mp3 streamed from my computer--maybe 50%/50% music/movies.
I was wondering how the DAC in modern receivers would sound with music? I have a budget of (hopefully) <2000 to get set up with some combination of a receiver/pre-pro/DAC/streamer.
I was looking at Marantz sr6006 which would stream music and have an amp for powering surrounds/center channels later on, but I am curious about how it would sound for music. Some other options I am considering are perhaps a Rotel without streaming, and a squeezebox system (or NAD or Marantz streamers, but I think the features on the squeeze touch are better, and its a lot cheaper).
I would rather not have separate system for music and movies, although I imagine that would sound best.