I may have zeroed in on a receiver...the yamaha 663. I already have a set of bose 301's from the 90's that I bought a long time ago(i know bose sucks). While i've given them just alittle minor abuse here and there over the years they still sound good enough for me(at least good enough to my wallet). I plan on using them as left and rights. The house we bought has some pioneer rear channels already mounted on the wall I plan on using. Not sure how good they are but I figure the rear channels don't need to be all that great. That leaves me needing a center channel and a sub. My living room is about 20X16 or so....it is an open floorplan with the kitchen and living connected and the above measurements are just of the living room.
What is the best center and sub that i can get for 300 to 400 bucks for both? I can't believe centers cost so much! Am I stupid for piecing this system together or should i just bite the bullet and buy a whole 5.1 or 7.1 set of stuff together? As of now i plan on running the 663 as a 5.1 since i'm on a bugdet. Thanks for the help!