Need a new set of surrounds for PC (500$ budget)



I have a Denon 1312. It's a small room. I recently decided to upgrade my budget form 300$ to 500$. Previously I had Energy Take RC Micro's, fairly good and I enjoyed them, however, most of the set randomly died on me, I tried everything, and can't figure out why. So I want a replacement. I paid 250$ for em, 3 years ago, however now, on ehre I have been getting suggestions and such, I was thinking of perhaps upgrading my budget.

My room is however small, so floor-standing won't work. I suppose I'll have to wall-mount them. Preferably at the corners of my walls so I could angle them downwards.

This is for a Desktop PC, so I'll be sitting close. Closer to one side of the room, that is. The JBL's have been recommended, with keeping my price range within 200$. 2 40's for my mains, 2 30's for my rears, and a 20 for my Center. Still, googling doesn't say fair things about these and I worry they'd be a downgrade from my RC Micros. The Infinity Primus are about double the price, as instead of 60$ for a pair, it's 65-75$ for a single. Reviews of those however, are stellar. So I might be willing to upgrade my budget for that.

Like grabbing 4x of these:

for 300$. Leaving enough for a center. I already have a F12 BiC Subwoofer:

Far to big for my room, but it was priced right.

I know my Denon 1312 is pretty lowend, but I don't really have it in the budget to be going for a new one, at the moment. Stretching the budget to 500$ is already more than I wanted, but audio is important to me in my gaming. However I also found used pair of RC Micro for 200$. Which I am considering, because I didn't have to many problems with them, they sounded great to me, of course, until they didn't and died. So while it seems almost perfect(With an upgraded receiver, I could even do 7.1, re-using my two still working Micro's from this set), I am wary since my others died after just 3 years. Fluke, I know, the used set I buy could last 20, but still.

Also a worry that my current receiver couldn't really make use of such fine speakers.

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