Need a little to complete my HT detailing



Since completing my HT, I have been trying to add the accessories, a little at a time. I have a few Movie Posters (framed, the only way they go up on my wall! ) One was a gift, and the other 2 were purchased from "". I spent $140.00 plus another $10.00 for shipping, for the normal sized "Blues Brothers" (I think it's 24 X 36) movie poster. and I paid $100 plus shipping for "Cars", framed as a "Value Framed" poster, with a protective film and no glass, also by . This is pretty crazy! I know you can go out to a Craft store, pick up a decent frame for like $30, get a movie poster for about $20, and then go home and do it yourself. Problem is, without the matting and flattening out process that they do, the home done job, gets a bit wrinkled and winds up looking like SH#T. I can't believe that the so called "Better Frames" plus the matting and flattening process, adds up to another $100 or more! Is there anywhere out there (online) where someone can get a decent deal on framed (preframed or specially framed) movie posters?
This is costing me a bundle, and taking away from my real love, MOVIES, and MORE GEAR!!

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks all. Joe B. :D


Audioholic Chief
I just got back from my local Blockbuster and they had a whole row of posters printed on some kind of backing board. They appeared to be directly printed on the backing board as opposed to being glued on. They looked pretty good. I forgot exactly how much they were but I am thinking about $20 which sounds like it would be a good deal for you.


Senior Audioholic
A thought you may or may not like, have you ever thought of making or buying some accoustic panels? You can make/order them in multiple colors and shapes that will both look great and help your room sound better than you may expect by placement at reflection points and such.
As to you main question, I have posters from and bought frames at Walmart for $8.00 and placed them in the frame imediately, mine came out fine but you have may not consider it ideal for you.


Audioholic Chief
Actually I went back to Blockbuster again and I saw posters (framed) for $15, $20 and $30 corresponding to the size. I think I overheard a clerk say they were selling very well and this is the third week they had them. Some might be sold out, so if you are looking for something particular you might ask at the desk to see if they can get it for you, or hold one when they are resupplied.


Audioholic Ninja
Poster framing

You will need the backer board to prevent the wrinkles in the poster. Buy the movie poster ($20?) and a cheap frame ($30) and have the local chain art/frame store put the poster on the backer board ($20-30). You will have some nice posters for <$100. Alternately, you could try the poster and backer board without a frame and use a couple mirror brackets to attach them to the wall.

If you want a custom matts and framing and couple easily cost hundreds of dollars per poster.


Audioholic Chief
The posters at Blockbuster were rigid and framed and basically ready to hang up. They have a little texture to them on the surface like fine sand.

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