Since completing my HT, I have been trying to add the accessories, a little at a time. I have a few Movie Posters (framed, the only way they go up on my wall! ) One was a gift, and the other 2 were purchased from "". I spent $140.00 plus another $10.00 for shipping, for the normal sized "Blues Brothers" (I think it's 24 X 36) movie poster. and I paid $100 plus shipping for "Cars", framed as a "Value Framed" poster, with a protective film and no glass, also by . This is pretty crazy! I know you can go out to a Craft store, pick up a decent frame for like $30, get a movie poster for about $20, and then go home and do it yourself. Problem is, without the matting and flattening out process that they do, the home done job, gets a bit wrinkled and winds up looking like SH#T. I can't believe that the so called "Better Frames" plus the matting and flattening process, adds up to another $100 or more! Is there anywhere out there (online) where someone can get a decent deal on framed (preframed or specially framed) movie posters?
This is costing me a bundle, and taking away from my real love, MOVIES, and MORE GEAR!!
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks all. Joe B.