I am one [of many, it'd seem] very sad people who missed out on the $329 Emotiva Ultra 12, which by all appearances would be PERFECT for me. But a matter of days. Oh well.
So I need a musical sub for my near field bedroom music setup. I spend a ridiculous amount of time at my desk, finishing my dissertation, so I figured I should get a decent setup! =]
These will be paired with my new Arx A1 bookshelf speakers. (I could also use an upgraded integrated amp and DAC, seeing as I'm using an old Pioneer receiver and a Firewire Miglia HarmonyAudio interface, but that's another story entirely)
1. Your budget:
Around $350 shipped/tax to Los Angeles. Among other things, this means I can probably go talk to Mr. Hsu himself (we've actually e-mailed a couple of times)
2. Size requirements/limits.
3. Room dimensions.
14 x 12 x 10. Small/medium size bedroom with no permanent openings to other rooms.
4. Primary uses.
Almost 100% music. It's possible I could watch a movie in my bedroom, but this isn't a major consideration.
5. Listening habits.
This is pretty near field, as the bookshelves are on my Ikea Jerker desk, and the A1's are about 3' from the listening position. The sub would be maybe a little farther away.
As such, I don't listen to music at blaring levels, although when I'm up and about in my room I like to crank it up. I am actually worried about things being a little overwhelming, since those A1s actually have decent bass response on their own, I really can't blast them without it being unpleasant / hurting my ears (which isn't to say it sounds bad, but just that it's too loud)
6. Appearance requirements.
7. Timeframe.
So, I was originally thinking about the HSU STF-2, and if it was on sale I'd probably get it. As it stands, it's $350 + tax (about $30 in CA). I could pick it up, so I'd save on shipping. Alternatively, the eD A3s-250 would be $350 shipped. I was *thisclose* to pulling the trigger on that, except they're going to [sorta?] discontinue it as of Feb 15th. I'm not sure how I feel about buying a product that'll no longer be in production. I'm open to other suggestions.
So that's pretty much it, I think. Cliff's notes:
- $350ish budget
- Small/medium sized bedroom
- Almost 100% music
- Desktop application
I mentioned some of the subs that I've been looking at in the title. Let me know what you think, and I appreciate your feedback! Thanks!