I've been doing some measurements and moving my sub around to optimize placement. I've got a couple of nasty dips centered around 30hz and 80 Hz. I'm not sure if these are related to my height or length of the room. These nulls stay regardless of where I place the sub along the front wall. Because of my room layout, the front wall is the only place for the sub. The best response location came between the front right and center speaker, about 1/4 total front wall width (25") from the side wall. HEre is a post of the sub response. The 80 Hz dip I'm not worried about, as I've changed the crossover in my amp to 60 Hz, to get around it. The room definitely sounds alot better with the changes in location, BFD (Behringer Feedback Destroyer) and receiver x-over settings. I'm just wondering if there is anything I can do with the dip in the 30Hz range.