I bought a vintage Nad 7175 from Ebay this Summer. I hadn't tested it because I had no speakers. I recenty bpught some nice Klipsch KG4's and I have some questions for you guru's.
1) when moving the volume and balance knobs I get some static. Im auuming I need to clean them somehow. I know radio shack aells a spray. What is the bedt method for cleaning and the best spray.
2) when I turn the volume up with nothing playing I can hear the radio ever so sligtly in the background, of course when i have a source connected you cant hear this, but is this normal?
3) this is a stupid question Im sure but I bought dome monster cables and monster banna clip ends for the wire. The ends fit flawlessly into my speakers but dont with into my amp, they are a tad big. Currently im using the bare wite to my amp, is this the correct way or should I find a thinner connector for my amp.
Many thanks. This was my setup over 20 years ago and regreted selling it. Now in my 40's I tracked down my system on ebay