You are paying for the coax driver on the KEF, not the finish.
100%, and a wonderful coaxial it is. My Bag End's use a similar designed driver (same manufacturer), but are active, sealed and heavily braced. I've always hoped Kef would build something similar, but, I think commercially the added bass response is a big sales tool, and also heavily bracing is expensive. I can't blame them for that in their market - and, I think they are one of the better widely available speaker manufacturers. Further, I've become a believer in time-alignments importance, especially for music.
I actually gave these a listen for kicks helping a friend. I preferred the bookshelf q300's, personally. Like the majority of us geeks heh, I prefer good midrange over simply more. The midrange in the 900s I was not as impressed with, but in a larger room they'd be the choice for home theater. At higher volumes I could feel the cabinet vibrating, leading me to agree with the AH article/preview(?) that it could have benefitted from more bracing. In smaller rooms, I liked the q300's with some toe-in and crossed over at 90Hz. The 900s, I crossed over at 80Hz, but didn't find the extra extension and midrange output to be much of a benefit because the tweeter was the limiting factor in both the bookshelf (300s) and floorstanding (900s) models.
That said, I was the minority. My friend preferred the 900s in all aspects. I kept to myself about my observations until he had given his. Another gentleman who had taken interest in my 'testing' hung around and also preferred the 900s.
I wish I'd have had more amplifier options to test them with, as I was unable to test them with separates, but a Denon CI 4520 seemed to power them just fine to sufficient levels.
*** All this reviewing/demoing was done subjectively / qualitatively. Maybe AH will review them comprehensively soon, I think it would be worthy.