looking for advice
I have a few situations I'm hoping to combine and solve thanks in advance!
equipment dell pc optiplex 745 with video card hdmi output....... lg flat screen 780pi as monitor, sony dav hdx 274 receiver . the stereo is not connected to PC but within 12 feet of it.
We have a sony surround that has a main right and left channel, surround right and left channel, center channel, and sub woofer channel. Our PC has a video card with hdmi output that runs to a lg flat screen via hdmi, the screen also has a hdmi 2nd input port plus rca inputs. The only output from the back of the tv (we are using as a computer screen) is a digital optical port.
I have installed outside speakers and put an A/ B speaker switch on top of the stereo. I have the living room speakers going to the box for line A and the outside speakers going to line/switch B. The the box runs off the main right and left channel only.... nothing to the surround channels. To switch the subwoofers I have to manually switch the plugs i have marked inside and outside at the back of receiver. PS my outdoor speakers are from a car stereo I wired them to meet the 8ohm resistance of the home stereo.
One problem is there is no volume control so when you have the outside and inside speakers on it just doesnt work,( to load inside) also you have to manual swap the subwoofer plugs behind the stereo to run the base I placed outside.
We play internet radio via the stereo /itouch dock but need the wireless router running for this to work, after reading up on microwave radiation I just dont want the wifi running all day or night for that matter ( we have a 3 and six year old).
Since the PC and Stereo receiver are in the same room I want to hard wire the PC to the Stereo and magically hoping there is some configuration/program which will also allow me to run separate speaker configurations with some fancy audio card for the PC?
I need separate volume controls for the indoor vs outdoor set up and a way to switch from outside to inside subwoofer with out messing with the plugs.
DO I just need to install an audio card with connections to run to the stereo for the internet radio issue
Do I also need to get a speaker selection switch with separate volume controls which will run 4 channels vs the two channel one I have?
Would it be cheaper and better to just get a different receiver that would do all this maybe a 7.2 system?
If I run a digital optical cable from the outport on the lg screen to the stereo will it run audio from the pc ( since the screen is connected to PC via hdmi card) I was thinking this was a way for internet radio and PC connect to stereo via flat screen.
Please help?
Both stereo receiver and PC have DVD drive so also wondering if a sound card comes with amp to allow me to remove receiver altogether.... yes I'm cheap to !
hope this isnt to garbled