Sony BRAVIA XBR-65HX292 65" LED LCD 3D Display First Look



Audioholics Robot
Staff member
The BRAVIA XBR-65HX292 is an LED backlit LCD panel with all the bells and whistles. While it makes for a slightly deeper display, Sony has opted for the local dimming rather than edge lit LED technology with this flagship panel. We applaud them for that. We also applaud the integrated Wi-Fi receiver so you aren't forced to use the wired connection. Add access to tons of streamed media, Skype, technology to make the picture smoother, and remote control apps for your favorite phone or tablet, and they've piqued our interest. Now if only they'd throw in a few free pairs of their Active Shutter glasses.

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Audioholic Ninja
It'll be interesting to see how this compares to what may be coming from Panasonic.


Full Audioholic
congrats SONY for going with function over form -
So what if it's .6 inches thicker than it would be with the compromised edge-located led illumination.

I don't so much care for the cramming of all the apps into each and every tool. So far, I can get netflix, for example, on #1, my Blu-Ray, #2, my Wii, and #3, my apple TV.

If I had the Netflix app on my TV (a fourth option!), I think that would be my last choice because I'd have to figure out how to pipe sound back to my reciever/amp...

I wonder if we pay anything (maybe added complexity to hardware, passed on costs of engineering and testing) for each of these replicated NetFlix functions when we probabaly only use one?


AV Rant Co-Host
Hooray for the 65" mirror!

Seriously, why do ALL LCD manufacturers now insist upon using super-glossy screens that render the displays useless in anything other than a pitch black room, where a plasma would still outperform it anyway?!

LCD's primary advantage over plasma is that plasma still washes out and its blacks turn grey in anything above dim lighting. A nice, matte screen LCD with full-array local dimming can have deeper blacks and better contrast under normal-to-bright lighting than plasma! But noooooo. Every single LCD manufacturer has decided that super-glossy is the way to go. I guess we're all just supposed to live in the freakin' dark!



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Hooray for the 65" mirror!

Seriously, why do ALL LCD manufacturers now insist upon using super-glossy screens that render the displays useless in anything other than a pitch black room, where a plasma would still outperform it anyway?!

LCD's primary advantage over plasma is that plasma still washes out and its blacks turn grey in anything above dim lighting. A nice, matte screen LCD with full-array local dimming can have deeper blacks and better contrast under normal-to-bright lighting than plasma! But noooooo. Every single LCD manufacturer has decided that super-glossy is the way to go. I guess we're all just supposed to live in the freakin' dark!

My XBR8 is more of a matte finsish but this display will probably be better then all but the best offerings of plasma displays, emit less heat, be thinner, no burn in,and use less energy. But it will also cost probably 7k and still not be as good as the best plasmas offered (In the dark that is) and similar sized plasmas will cost around a 1/3 less...

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