Weizhi Precision PRS-6 Power Distributor First Look



Audioholics Robot
Staff member
If it smells like a snake and comes in a jar with one of those non-spill tops, is it Snake Oil or is it an esoteric product? You be the judge. While there is no denying that the PRS-6 is constructed out of top of the line materials, we'll let you decide if that justifies a $3,200, six-outlet extension cord (which, ironically, doesn't come with a power cord but they do recommend their $1600+ for 1.5 meter cable).

Discuss "Weizhi Precision PRS-6 Power Distributor First Look" here. Read the article.


Weizhi "Review"?

What a worthless review from Audioholics! All they do is take the thing apart and then give their "sceptic" opinion of it's worth WITHOUT ACTUALLY BOTHERING TO LISTEN TO IT IN A SYSTEM! It's fair to point out the Weizhi is a passive conditioner just like the Acoustic Revive passive conditioner maybe without the Acoustic's chemical compound for nullifying ac noise.BTW, the AR has garnered rave reviews (mostly amateur-not professional) as one of the most musically satisfying ac conditiners on the market today.They also make some stupid jab at audiophiles concerned about static in the carpet and matching cables to amplifiers.WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? .What a joke!


An Actual "worthwhile" review

An actual "review" is the kind where a reviewer gives construction details and then does some actual LISTENING TO THE COMPONENT,kind of like a review on a car where the reviewer actually DRIVES THE CAR when they review it !


Audioholic Slumlord
What's to review?? It's a huge pile of probably overpriced components, which actually does very little - something $3 product capable of doing??
About listening to SQ differences with different power distributors?? If you try hard - you'll hear the winds freely breezing in that empty head of yours....

p.s: Just noticed the product maker self description - this is golden - "EXTREME ARTISTIC TECHNO SOUND MAKER" :D


well the heading/directory above says in part-pro reviews

And I suppose you can tell if something works/ doesn't work based on just looking at it? :confused: WTF? Intead of "First Look" maybe you instead say "First Guess"


How Does Audioholics Know what something does WITHOUT listening to It?

Regarding the Bored Adminstrator's post below which is truly laughable-how do you know what something does without listening to it? This site's slogan is "Pursuing the Truth in Audio& Video" Well,they sure didn't try very hard if they didn't bother to listen.And "who's truth exactly are we talking about-not the manufacturer-that's obvious,not the unbiased listener-oh yes the truth of producer of this so called "review" website-lol


This Line Says It All...

Check out this line-pretty much says everything on how they conduct a "review" on this website: To test, you'd have to unplug all your gear, power it all back up, and start the track over. In a best case scenario, you couldn't do that in the three to four seconds you'd need so that you could accurately remember what you'd just heard.WTF?-Isn't that how we test ANY component-Pre Amp,Cd Player,Amp?


Audioholic Slumlord
This is what you saying:
I have a wooden log. It's just an simple wooden log. No let's "listen" to the wooden log, since "just looking" at it won't reveal it's true function/abilities... Maybe we should burn it too, and measure the burning time and how it compares to wooden log, which cost hundred times less - which one is better?

And we are bunch of idiots since we assume both wooden logs are the same...


Well-it's an AUDIO component-hello! Audio components get listened to at some point to be reviewed,cars get driven for review,snow skis get tested out o the slopes etc.,etc, What am I missing here? I love the lazyness of this website!-this line says it all: To test, you'd have to unplug all your gear, power it all back up, and start the track over. In a best case scenario, you couldn't do that in the three to four seconds you'd need so that you could accurately remember what you'd just heard.Um,isn't that how all components get evaluated?-preamps,cd players.amps


Audioholic Jedi
And I suppose you can tell if something works/ doesn't work based on just looking at it? :confused: WTF? Intead of "First Look" maybe you instead say "First Guess"
Yes I can, easily!

That is a useless product.

Bottom line, those who never took physics or in other ways educated themselves on the physical laws and properties, will always be gullible and easily parted from their money.

Fact: - 100% certainty, that product is useless other than to distribute power and no better then a non surge multi outlet from Home Depot or other vendor.


This website is a freaking joke! Why don't you call it what it is-namely YOUR BIASED OPINION! and stop pretending to be an actual review website! Positive Feedback (a real audio review site) had a much different take on this product.Perhaps they reached that conclusion-by actually listening to it? Now,it may not be all that they say-because it is after all just an opinion-but at least it's not a complete joke like this site is!


Audioholic Jedi
This website is a freaking joke! Why don't you call it what it is-namely YOUR BIASED OPINION! and stop pretending to be an actual review website! Positive Feedback (a real audio review site) had a much different take on this product.Perhaps they reached that conclusion-by actually listening to it? Now,it may not be all that they say-because it is after all just an opinion-but at least it's not a complete joke like this site is!
Listening is fraught with bias. The onus is in you and the manufacturer to come up with a plausible explanation based on physics and sound math, that that device can do what they claim.

Pretty much everybody on this forum knows that is not possible.

Yes, we are hard on voodoo on this site and will call it out every time it rears is ugly head. This thread is a classic case in point.


Really-I thought you're hard on lazyness on this site!


That last post should have said Audioholics are hard on actual listening big on lazyness.


Audioholic Jedi
That last post should have said Audioholics are hard on actual listening big on lazyness.
So installing really hefty house ground, properly tying phone, cable satellite grounds together, installing whole house grounds and smart UPS system is laziness? The items I mention truly make a difference and are a foundation of a good system.

Buying an over priced bunch of outlets in a fancy case and thinking you have done some is is not lazy? You really are backwards my dear chap.


Full Audioholic
Oh dear. Misinformed, ignorant shills have gone from slightly humorous to rather sad...do some people just have a natural tendency to want to believe in snake oil? Have fun TLSGuy. :)


Audioholic Field Marshall
Audioholics the non review-review website-lol
If you could read, you would notice that it never claimed it was a review. Its a "First Look", where they take apart the product and LOOK at it. There are reviews on this site, and then there are first looks.

You can look at a new car, or you can test drive a new car. They are not the same.


Well,it says in the above directory Pro Reviews-so....

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