Another glaring shortcoming for the SSP-800 is its inability to stream even audio content from a networked server. Every other recently introduced a/v processor that I'm aware of has the ability to stream at least CD quality audio over a network (Edit - Except the new ML which also missed the boat). I have little doubt that the most significant distribution method for hi-resolution audio will be internet downloads. DVD-A is nearly dead, and SACD is also withering. Unfortunately, very few vendors are delivering the components necessary to decode and play these formats, especially in multichannel (>2) formats. Adding the TCP/IP stack and user interface to the SSP-800 would incur only a few extra dollars in cost of goods. It makes no sense to me to be required to buy an additional box with expensive D/A converters to connect to a processor with conversion that is at least as good for only a volume control.
Yes I also agree that the SSP-800 is a bit lacking on things it should have. The audio streaming would have been a fantastic addition. Yes the wave of the future is high resolution music downloads, and the inability to receive streamed music is IMO a big omission on the SSP-800.
Another biggie is no scaling/video processing and room EQ system. A modern pre/pro, and especially one that is $8k should have these things. Also another thing I noticed is that it has no THX processing. Their previous SSP-600 had THX, interesting that it was left off on this new one? It has 4 HDMI inputs which is good, but they should have included 6. I currently have 4 HDMI devices connected to my Denon AVP, and feel good knowing that I have 2 more on tap.
One you factor in a separate music streaming device, a separate high quality scaler/processor, and a separate room EQ system, you're looking at over $11k.
The SSP-800 is a very sharp looking product that no doubt will sound great, but it just doesn't offer everything that a lot of people are wanting in a high end piece like this one.