Hey Gene, great article. James Larson (
@shadyJ) mentioned that you wrote this article and we had a side conversation about it. As a separate issue for the FTC regulations, in general I think amplifier specmanship gets a little confusing for most. In some ways having good basic knowledge of these tests would be a big boon for the average consumer (or at least your readership).
I am not an engineer, but I have been building and measuring amplifiers for years. I recently began reviewing products for my group, AV NIRVANA, and in the course of some recent reviews, ran into some discrepancies in amplifier specs from very reputable companies. In my discussions with the folks at NAD, Paul Barton, Bruno Putzey, I began to see an interesting problem. Where's the line? You of course call out companies who have burned past that line so far as to be advertising fairy dust specs. What I was dealing with was the idea of just defining clipping itself. NAD defined clipping as .1%, Bruno defined it as 1%, Paul did the same. In the amplifier in question, this lead to a 20 watt difference (80 vs 100). Same amp of course. To you or I, this is a meaningless difference, but it certainly is confusing to the average consumer.
Now with so many amplifiers coming about that are absurdly low in noise, this becomes a more interesting question (even if not so important sonically). Look at the THX AAA based amplifier from Benchmark, the SPL amplifiers, the Hypex NCORE and you see amps with noise and distortion specs near the limits of the common audio precision measurement devices. Where the knee in the distortion plot is at .001% or sometimes even .0001% THD, so by .1% we are well into the vertical. With these amps the vertical is a shear wall, the difference in power between .0001% and .1% at the knee is a handful of watts. None the less, I've always wondered if a more empirical method could be used to avoid rating an amp to far into the vertical. The use of a rate of change in distortion per watt, the slope basically.
That thinking (which I've had before) brings up the other problem, where is the knee? In a lot of amps, especially most typical low noise Class A/B or Class D amps, the Knee is very obvious. With a lot of unusual Class A amps, low feedback or no feedback amps, the distortion and noise rise with output more evenly and actually surpass .1% before the knee becomes very obvious. In some cases, the knee is not so obvious. A lot of Pass amps would rate out at 2-3 times their actual rated power if you used a .1% rule, and my "Knee" rule would be hard to apply as there is no obvious Knee. Class H has two or three knees, but of course, the .1% or the 1% rule would work fine.
The other question I have related to this is the audibility piece. My understanding (<=remember, not an engineer) is that clipping normally is associated with a rise in 2nd order distortion. In that case, it would seem that the use of THD is generally ok, especially with typical amps. What I wonder is if it makes sense to use a distortion audibility metric that is better than THD however. So the question really is, does clipping always cause a rise in 2nd harmonic, or could some amp topologies show a rise in higher order distortions while still having very low 2nd harmonic, but where the slight clipping is associated with a more audible change in the sound?
Class G amps: I've heard/read from Carver (I believe) that Class G amps interact with the reactive load and put out more power under those conditions. Never understood this, nor can confirm its even true. It was used as an argument for why their sub amps (and Parts Express Class G amps) didn't meet power specs with a resistive test load. Is this true? If so, should a reactive load be a testing option? I think this would be difficult to do. I know that in the guitar world there are power soaks made from voicecoils that are claimed to handle 100's of watts, maybe an actively cooled coil could be made to allow high power testing with a reactive load?
Final Thought here, It seems that Class D amplifiers may need a special test, or a better standardization of the test. I've seen some really odd results of lesser amps, including problems due to ultrasonic noise. Further, some amps which would pass with flying colors at 1khz oscillate terrible. The Behringer DSP amps that are so popular are a good example, they oscillate at high frequencies and aren't great amps for full range use (yet some people love them

Now as for the ACD, has there been any thought about developing a more real world test procedure. Maybe 3 channels driven to max but the rest driven just a percentage that reasonably reflects what we see in realistic use? Maybe 7 channels full out and 4 driven (in the case of 11 channels) partially. I've always thought the ACD is a little too extreme. Even with the advantageous of DIY I've never built a power supply for a multi-channel amp to allow all channels to reach their full power into a low impedance load at the same time, the power supply would simply be too big and expensive (for high powered amps anyway).
Related to that, I've also learned the hard way that switching supplies have changed how we must design amps. I'm sure the engineers know this, but I'm not sure its always being put into practice. When I built my first amp using a switching supply, the amp modules could do around 500 watts into a 4 ohm load each. They were Class A/B amps so the supply needed to be about 1500 watts to allow full power. I bought a 1500 watt switching supply made in Spain for audio purposes and customized to my needs. It would not allow the amp to reach full power into an 8 ohm load, shutting down when the amp reached around 150 watts per channel! I replaced it with a 1200 watt supply from another company who I am confident designed it right and specified it accordingly, and once again I ran into the same problem. What I've since been told is that these power supplies basically hit a brick wall and can't produce any more current while regulating the voltage. It isn't like a linear supply. As such, you need to over-spec the supply by 2-3 times (that was the suggestion of this second manufacturer).