If someone can help me with my quest I would appreciate it. I have tried to start this thread in the correct place; I didn't see one more appropriate.
Okay here is the problem, I like to listen to talk radio , mainly on AM. And at least some of my favorite stations are pretty far away. Now the real kicker, I want HT audio quality when I listen to AM.
I have tried different radios and different antennas and some radios work well with no addtional antennas and some very good radios don't seem to work well with antennas.
There are some AM antennas where you have to specifically tune each AM station and those don't always work that well and are a pain to retune, usually in a manual, analog fashion, everytime you change stations. My idea AM antenna would not require retuning for each station.
Okay here is my analysis so for:
Older (15 years ?) Bose Wave radio ( an yes I know how everyone feels about Bose): expensive (was $350 15 years ago), but pulls in AM pretty clear without external antenna. ( now on back porch for listening to in rocking chair, when outdoor speakers aren't on from Marantz inside ( an besides Marantz AM sucks)).
Executive 7-day Alarm clock ( just purchased ; great for multiple wake-up times). This has surpisingly good for AM reception; one of my top AM reception to-date. Very good price at $59.95
Sony XDR-S3HD retail $199 ( there was a really good deal for $99 with $50 mail-in rebate). FM HD is superb with a diploe antenna. AM is pretty bad with normal AM loop antnna. AM is decent with Terk AM-1000 Advantage antenna.
The presets make this a very good choice.
Marantz SR8002 with HD radio - AM literallly sucks even with Terk AM-1000 Advantage antenna. FM is very good with FM dipole antenna.
Office setup _ FisherStandard Studio AM/FM ynthesized Tuner, Marantz 1060 Amp and Cambridge Audio S-30 speakers and Terk AM-1000 Advantage antenna. Distant AM barely acceptable; Audio streaming thorugh PC speaker connection into stereo Aux, excellent.
Garage Setup - Older Yamaha receiver (3 generations back) with Terk AM 1000 . Decent AM reception. ( Bose 101 surrounds, Bose Center, Sony SB3000 front bookshelf) This is all connected to Sennheiser RS-140 wireless headphones for music/talk radio while doing yard-work.
Media room setup - Pioneer Elite ( VSX-45 TX, absolutely the worst receiver I have experienced; but thta is another story). With AM loop,poor recrption, but don't listen to AM in that room.
AM antennas tried:
Regular Loop ( fair)
Length of wire (fair)
Terk AM/FM Q (fair or poor, not any better than AM loop antenna)
TerK AM-1000 Antenna $35-$40( Best I have found to date, tunei nlow end station 560 and all come in very good)
C.Crane -Twin Coil Ferrite AM antnenna - ( varied results). This antenna cost $99.(5 and should have been outstanding. You have to individualy tune each AM station and on a steroe receiver you can see the signal lelve go up, but it doen't necesaarily mean you get a clearer signal. Sometimes you can pick up distant AM signals better, but I could not get it to work in my office and ended up retuning it.
Terk Tower Amplified stereo Indoor AM/FM antenna - Think about getting to try.
The most disappointing has been the AM reception on the Marantz SR8002, because everything else about the AVR is outstanding.
So has anyone found an outstanding AM radio or and outstanding AM antenna ?
So is there a better antennna that the Terk AM-1000 Advantage?
How can I make AM on my Marantz SR8002 sound good?
Thanks for you help and Ideas!