Hi all
Just thought I would say hello & start off by asking for some major input on my new TV/Display System I wish to buy inside the UK in store or on line,
Right!,I currently own a Sony 32DX30U CRT which has inbuilt free view ext & has been nothing but 100% during its 6 yrs with me,
Sony RDR HXD710 again 100% but now wish it was the 910!
Sony HT K215 now old but still good 5.1 sound system which I use 24/7,
VirginHD V BOX Which I may change to SkyHD if Virgin don't get there fingers out with some decent HD content
I now wish to go the HD Display route & have narrowed it down to:
Panasonic 42" PZ700
Sony 40" W or X series
& if possible a new 5.1...........I hope!!
After all that!!
firstly can anyone give me there opinion on dropping my CRT in favor of HD
& secondly on my choice of display ??