JimOfOakCreek said:
I use Senn. PX100 phones, low impedence and awesome! However, I have been considering purchasing a headphone amp.
Under many cases, a headphone amplifier is a wasted expenditure unless your portable device simply can not drive the headphones to a sufficient amplitude due to lack of insufficient output voltage. In some cases, the device may also have DC coupling capacitors that are of insufficient value to prevent serious bass rolloff into a low impedance, the same goes for the output stage electronics that may raise in distortion to audible levels under some circumstances.
I measure all of my headphone equipment, correlating the measurements with perceptual data, in order to insure that it behaves in a transparent or near-transparent manner. I suggest you measure the Ipod before deciding on a headphone amplifier accessory. You can contact me with the IM feature of the site, or e-mail me, if you don't know how to go about basic load terminated measurements of FR, THD and IMD.