Here she is
My gaming pc. The white box you see is a wii console.
My current specs for the gaming tower is.
Intel core 2 duo 2.66 ghz 1333 fsb 4 mb cash.
pqi single stick 2 gigs of ram.
Western Digital hard drive 500 gigs of storage space.
Nvidia Evga 8800 GTS 320.
Dvd/Cd drive Memorex
windows vista ultimate edition. for,directx 10 gaming.
Speakers Sony Towers SSMF550h
Center Speaker SSCR550H
Receiver Pioneer Vsx-515k 110 watts per channel.
No subwoofer as for now.
Im just using the built in 8 inch subs in the towers. they sound very nice,
but a bit bright sounding.but,after listening to them for 5 months I got use to it.