What happened to both of you is that your bias is in control, subconsciously. It is part of human nature and there is no on-off switch for this bias.
Senses can be fooled rather easily. What do you see when you place a pipe in a 5 gal bucket of water? It is bent, but is it real, or just an illusion?
You need to do bias controlled comparisons to determine if there is any audible difference in anything, not just cables. This means double blind conditions where you don't know which cable is used and only rely on your ears alone. Scary thought which scares audiophiles out of their minds.
To answer your other question, there is nothing wrong with attaching both sets of wires on the same terminals to double them up. Your new wire gauge will be around 10ga. While you said your wires cost under $50 or so, it may still be more than you need to spend on speaker cable. You can get 12ga/14ga for about $.30/ft.
I know what you are saying, but my wife had no idea what wires I was using. She didn't know I was changing speaker wires, she thought I was hooking up a dvd recorder. When I turned the system back on, she said "It sounds different." I know people like to debunk wire myths, and I love it. The thing about it is, the wire I was using was about 20 bucks for 50 feet of wire, and I'm in agreement with the mythbusters here; the expensive wire I hooked up last night does not add any sonic benefits. Where I stray from the pack, though, is that I believe the "good" wire I hooked up last night actually does not sound as good, and I don't believe it to be psychological at all, because I don't
care which wire sounds better (I just thought twisted cable with the non-conductive extra strand was supposed to sound better, so I thought I'd try it).
I was just wondering if I hooked them both up, what the benefit or consequence would be. I think I've not only had my question answered, but inadvertently opened up a can of worms.
I read a lot of video game related news, and I've seen this kind of passion about certain topics in the past; I guess there's hot button issues like this within any topic of interest.
So, basically, I'm getting that it really shouldn't matter what type of wire I use as long as the wire is of decent quality and is the proper gauge for the length I'm running. Does that seem to be the general consensus? --I can still hear a difference in the wires though, but thank all of you for the input.
:0) -LBrize