I've been lurking here learning for a while and I'm finally putting my plans to use. I chose an AV15-X from Acoustic Elegance and I already have an EP2500 and a BFD1124 ready. This is for a home theater so I went big and plan to tune at 19-22hz. The ports will be two 6"id PVC pipes and I'll add a wood face to the box to flush mount the driver and flare the ports a bit. Here's my work so far:
I ordered a router jig but actually found my saber sawing to be plenty good enough for the internals (impatience is a killer).
I read that a rule of thumb for bracing is to eliminate any area of more than 144"^2, so I added some small pieces to split the large sections of MDF.
I have internal dimensions of 19.5"W, 28.5"H, and 38.25"L which is the "golden" rule. I calculated my effective volume (considering a driver and ports) at 22041"^3 and my two ports are currently at 20.5" each which should give me a 21.67Hz tune. My plan is to tack it together and run a rough test before sealing everything with silicone since I have room to swap out for ~28" ports (~19Hz). I also need to decide on dampening material if it's necessary... any thoughts?