You might not need 2807 at all ...
Vanhoecke said:
I'm building a HT with a 1080p front projector as part of a basement remodel.
Adjacent to the HT there will be a Rec. room with a wide screen (50"+) flat panel display. I'm setting up an equipment rack to house all the A/V gear for both rooms (in addition to distributed audio for three additional roms in the basement). I want to avoid purchasing duplicate HD source devices if possible. So I'm wanting to figure out how to run muptile displays from the same source. For sources I'm currently looking that the Toshiba HD-A2 HD DVD, PS3, HTPC and Cox HD DVR and Cable box. I'm planning on running HDMI from these source to a Denon AVR 4306, which will provide the video switching, and then an HDMI cable to the front projector. This is a pretty striaght forward setup. Now the tricky part. How do I get 1080p quality video to the flat panel?
I'm planning on using a Denon AVR-2807 to drive the A/V in the rec. room. Is there an HDMI splitted that can be used to split the signal at each source in order to run a signal to each AVR?
I'm sure there are HDMI splitters, but then why don't you split your 4306 HDMI-out signal between the projector and flat screen ?
Vanhoecke said:
If not, can I run HDMI to the 4306 and component video and ditigal audio to the 2807 at the same time? This may be a second best option if it will work. I'm not sure that these source devices feed both HDMI and component at the same time or are they mutually exclusive
I can not tell about other sources, but STB/DVR SA 8300HD (from Cox) provides both HDMI and component signal at the same time, along with the coax/tosslink/analog audio
(although not recommended by Cox N.Virginia, they don't even recognize officialy HDMI)
Vanhoecke said:
Just to add more data to the equation. The 2807 will also supply an audio signal to a Sonance Sonamp 275 amp which will drive a pair of in ceiling speakers in three adjacnet rooms in the basement. I throw this in only if someone knew of a AVR that would handle the entire bundle.
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
My take on this is as follows:
- If you need to play the same video source at the same time in both rooms:
use the HDMI splitter for your 4306 HDMI-out video signal and feed both projector and flat screen
- adding to all your digital ins, connect all the sources (audio) w/4306 by the stereo analog cables
- send the (audio) signal directly to speakers as amplified ZONE2 from your 4306
(unless you need full 7.1 in the Main Zone)
- send the pre-out ZONE3 signal from your 4306 to Sonamp 275
- choose the most important video source and additionally hook it up directly through component with your flat screen. In that case you would be able to play different video sources in different rooms. IMHO the HD signals through component and HDMI look pretty similar (for now, until we fully implement HDMI 1.3)
So, in the end, you might not even need 2807
, how about that - confusing ???