WmAx said:
Do you care to share the samples used? Did you use special samples that could be considered codec busters? What methodology did you use for comparisons after encoding the files? Did you decode them to PCM again before comparing? Did you time synch the files in an audio editor before the comparison? Did you analyse the spectrum data in the files? Did you find it difficult/fatiguing to compare a single 30 second sample in a DBT for 30 straight minutes? What were the total test scores?
Chris- I didn't go into nearly that much detail. I only used my ears. I figure that if I can't hear an artifact or a difference, then there's no need to worry about it.
I listened to all samples through my Creative Zen Touch with my Sony MDR-EX71SL earbuds, since these were what are going to ultimately be used for my listening.
I kept the MP3s and WMA in their formats. I did not decode them back to PCM.
Yes, it was fatiguing to listen to 30 second clips over and over again. I rested for a while between each set of clips.
I don't have anything that is from 2005 so I used some fairly new recordings that I have felt sounded better than the rest in my collection. Here's what I used:
Artist, Album, Song
Avalon, The Creed, All
Avalon, The Creed, The Good Way
Rachael Lampa, Live for You, Day of Freedom
I'm not familiar with "codec busters". I gather from their name that they are extremely difficult to encode accurately. ? What can you tell me about them?