Hi there!
I'm looking to complete my build of a high end home theater system in my 36ft motor home. I'm looking for a receiver that can handle the following things, and since I haven't really followed the receiver market for about 10 years, I'm practically a novice when it comes to finding what's good.
The receiver must:
- Be able to handle sending video to 3 TVs via HDMI. All TVs are current gen, main TV is a 46 inch LED. It's a sight to behold in the front of this rig.
- Send quality video from my desktop computer via HDMI input to any of the TVs.
- Handle up to 5 inputs for various home theater gear. Game consoles, blue ray, etc.
- Provide 5.2 channel audio inside the coach.
- Provide at least one additional zone of 2 channel audio outside the coach.
- Interact with a computer interface and/or android tablet.
- Not be more than 17 inches deep.
Anything less than $1,700 is up for consideration. I've been looking at the Yamaha Aventage line, as well as the new Denon 3313. All this stuff is going way over my head though, and I'm starting to go in circles. Can anybody help me narrow this down to a couple options?
I really appreciate the help.