More of "seriously WTF??? "



Audioholic Ninja
They left out the truly salient factor and that is that buyer's remorse lessens over time.


Audioholic Samurai
These two threads are hilarious. Some serious snake oil and lucky charms out there. It's always amazing to see how a market is exploited when there is enough interest in it. It seems as if the A/V market has exploded within the last decade so along with it comes more of these kinds of offerings from bogus companies producing bogus products hoping to ride the cash cow until they're thrown from the pasture. These items are from the same kind of people who brought us that big vibrating belt thing back in the 50's that was supposed to magically make the person who used it thinner. There is a level of desperation in a market such as weight loss (for example) that allows many of those companies to produce all the wonderful new gadgets that will miraculously make all your dreams come true -

But any true athlete, or health conscious person will tell you that it only takes a moderate diet and excercise.

Same goes for A/V-land. Too many companies recognizing that a market exists where people who are desperate enough for that 'perfect' sound will do (or buy) anything they feel might help them - it's just a shame when people do fall for it and start diverting their money away from the things that will truly make a difference in their sound. ;)


Audioholic Slumlord
I only read the first paragraph cause I have to hurry up and find a cat to plug into something. An electrically charged pussy. Ohhh....:D

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