Anyone have any experience with a projection screen from They offer a 16:9, 108" diagonal projection screen for $165 plus S & H of about $77 to my zip code. I was planning on spending about $1K or so for a new electric screen to replace my 10 year-old manual Da-Lite.
My old screen is 1:1, I think, and so is the monoprice (they are both matte white). The projector is a 2002 Sharpvision XV-Z9000 720P. I just replaced the bulb last month. Although I have nothing else to compare it with, I have been satisfied with the performance of the old Da-Lite with my PJ.
You can return the screen to monoprice for a refund, less the cost of s&h, and the cost of the return shipping.
If this screen is of good quality, it seems like a really good deal. An RF remote is offered for an additional $32.
Anyone care to venture an opinion or have any knowledge or experience with these screens?